• poVoq
    131 year ago

    Feels a bit like a marketing ploy, but lets see. Would be good I think.

    • @Tiuku
      61 year ago

      At the very least it’s marketing for the protocol itself too.

    • @Thann@lemmy.ml
      51 year ago

      once an open-source program gets enough attention it achieves “critical mass”, and proprietary software can never catch back up.

      They probably see the inevitable and are jumping on the train before it leaves the station

  • @_ed
    91 year ago

    My current interest in any of the post twitter startups is - does it support activitypub (or any other interop) so yeah happy about this.

      • poVoq
        41 year ago

        They are not going to federate ads onto other instance and who cares if they show ads to their users on their instance? Sometime the fediverse really makes strange proposals…

        • @cult@lemmy.ml
          21 year ago

          They might try to push out actual posts that would show up on other instances.

          Not sure what “defederate” means though. Can’t all the major instances just like… stop following tumblr?

          • F00FC7C8 likes to infodump
            21 year ago

            @cult @poVoq Most instances federate with everyone by default. Mastodon (as well as Friendica, Pleroma, and probably most other platforms) have options to either treat all users on another instance as suspended, and/or block all communications with an instance, and IIRC this is what people call defederation. It’s functionally equivalent to “not following Tumblr.”

  • @_ed
    21 year ago

    I can imagine Automattic making tumblr <> fedi integration a paid service. Similar to how wordpress.com provides free hosting with optional paid services.

      • @_ed
        21 year ago

        Highly possible given the larger userbase.

        I wouldn’t know how many entrenched tumblr users would want to go outside the local loop. Activitypub connects could entice mastodon users the other way though if they preferred the UI…