His plane has crashed and he’s on the passenger list, but it’s not proven yet that he was on the plane. He’s the person, who faked his death in the past.
It seems like oddly coincidental timing that Russia also officially relieved Surovikin as head of the airforce today (he still hasn’t been seen since the mutiny): https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/aug/23/russia-removes-sergei-surovikin-as-head-of-aerospace-forces
Not saying he’s definitely dead, but I doubt this is him faking his own death so much as him slipping an assassination attempt if he’s alive.
Ah yes. The general who the Kremlin said was “resting.” Nothing ominous about that.
Agreed, coordinated take down of Prigozhin and his allies.
Imagine blowing up a $5M Embraer just to fake his own death - and kill others in the process.
I’m sure Putin’s chef had money lying around, but burning all that cash sounds a little desperate to me.
Raise hands if you’d rather die for realsies to save $5M in expenses
That’s not what I said.
Impressive Russia was able to push an entire plane out of a high rise window.
It was Novichok-ing the tires…
they put polonium-210 in the engines
What a disappointing guy. The least he could have done was take out Putin before he died.
Watch him showing up at Kremlin proclaiming himself Peter the Great reborn.
Best reply ever
I’m loving all the tankie tears in here. They don’t know who to support. LOL. I love how ruZZia is slowly eating its own tail and destroying itself, just typical of a fascist state. Slava Ukraini! Slava NATO!
I just think it’s amusing how easily they out themselves as kneejerk anti-west reactionaries with support of Russia, which is a country even more opposed to their alleged ideals.
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Typical case of being so far right you come out on the left again
Never discount that a deal was reached and this was their way or his way of going in retirement with a new identity - faked death.
The simplest explanation is usually the right one though.
What’s in it for Putin? Why would he be giving favors like that to someone who turned his troops against Moscow? He made Putin look like a fool.
So, why would he be giving him favors?
What about the others on the plane, crisis actors?
collateral damage.
Do I have to point out that this title is misleading? Don’t get me wrong, I’d be glad if it were true… one less child killer roaming the world but if you read the article it hasn’t been confirmed by western sources he was on that plane.
The current article title now:
Wagner chief Yevgeny Prigozhin presumed dead after Russia plane crash
Ah yeah the guy who opposed Putin
Yeah surprise he’s dead
People seem awfully quick to accept the narrative - it seems to me this would be the easiest way for him to disappear on his own terms.
I think the key thing is that there isn’t really a compelling reason why Russia would want to take his death. And if prigozhin has actually just faked his death to go retire on an island somewhere, the result for the rest of the world is practically the same
Russia could have reason to fake his death, but that would be only to facilitate them killing him in a more gruesome way.
Putin wanting him dead isn’t a good enough reason? Putin has done everything so far for ego alone.
Until he gets pulled out of retirement for one final stand. This is like the type of shit you’d see in a movie, it practically writes itself. Reality is stranger than fiction lol
I still think he’s dead for real though.
Either way, he is gone.
How is a plane crash the “easiest way”? And why on earth would Putin do him the favor of providing a new identity? What does Putin gain from that?
no remain identifiable, etc. Putin doesn’t gain anything, but the dude presumably knows he was on the kill list so disappearing would be in his interest
Wait, am I reading this right that the plane was shot down by russian air defence? If this is backed up at all by anything like a russian source, then this will just further enforce option that russia can not be trusted to do anything it says and that putin is weak and threatened (both are true but I thought the kremlin would at least try to say/show otherwise).
How does russia keep messing up this bad? I am constantly shocked and awed.
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Yeah, a pointless one that makes them look like predictable idiots. Most will not be unhappy at his death and those that would be are on russia’s side of this conflict. This (if it is what it looks like now) is like making a martyr just for assholes.
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Putin is killing people and the purpose of the window assassinations is meant to be clearly not an accident. The whole point is to send a message, not to try and fool people.
If this is backed up at all by anything like a russian source
The Guardian is reporting this:
The cause of the crash was not immediately clear, but Prigozhin’s longstanding feud with the military and the armed uprising he led in June would give ample motive to the Russian state for revenge. Media channels linked to Wagner quickly suggested that a Russian air defence missile had shot down the plane.
Yes, I am hoping we get more info from anyone else then Wagner group soon.
Wings generally don’t just fall off without some kind of help.
At the same time, Grey Zone reported that a second business jet owned by Prigozhin had landed safely in the Moscow region.
Perhaps not gone.
However from memory they shot down some air force stuff on their way up during the mini mutiny, so I could see the Russian Air Force having it out for him.
Special crashing plane operation.
I won’t shed a tear for Prigozhin and his gang but I haven’t heard a single person speak about the uninvolved crew members of the plane who also got killed with this… poor souls
Who cares? They were his own private planes. These people knew who they were transporting and getting paid for it while Ukraine burns. They are part of his war crimes as well.
Right? Fucking tankies crying tears into an ocean here.
I share your sentiment. But that’s too complex of an emotion to have on the internet.
I’ve never seen tankies and libs ever so united in celebration.
We from neither are also pretty whelmed by this turn of events
The article doesn’t mention which agency is responsible for the murder of 10 people and what are the expected sentences for the murder