Americans on Lemmy, and especially republicans/conservatives, how do you feel about your president and vice president after the press meeting with Zelenskyj?
Besides politics, I’m interested in what you think regarding the behaviour of the two most powerful men in the world, scolding another country’s leader on TV?
It’s such an remarkable happening that political commentators in my country just comment it with ‘I lack words’.
Tldr: Americans, mainly republicans, how do you feel about your presidents recent amateurish and somewhat unexpected behavior against Zelenskyj?
Edit: more exactly how do you feel about these two persons being the ultimate representative for your country against the rest of the world
Not Republican myself, but work with a lot of them. I’m seeing a few different camps right now. I can’t really speak for exactly how many fall into each, but can only give estimates based on my subjective experiences:
The “Leopard-Facers”: The ones who’ve suddenly woken up to the fact they elected a moron and a bully. These tend to be foreign policy hawks, and may have only voted for Trump reluctantly. Probably the smallest group.
The pure Trumpists: A mix of people who thought the US should be isolationist anyhow, just don’t like Zelensky in particular, or just are too invested in the vision of messiah-Trump. Obviously they’re thrilled. Very vocal, but I think also somewhat fewer. Maybe I just hope they’re fewer.
The cognitive dissonancers: Probably the greatest number. There’s a lot of different views under this umbrella. Some of them were buying into the idea “he’s just blustering for a better deal”; some thought the message was on-point but the display was inappropriate; some actually support Ukraine but can’t bring themselves express any actual opposition to this shitshow. Broadly speaking, they’re all squirming - struggling to reconcile the appeal they feel for his persona or other actions he’s taken, with their opposition to his foreign policy and this in particular. Yet not able to accept reality like the Leopard-Facers.
Lemmy doesn’t have many Republicans. Don’t expect much of a direct answer.
The family of Puerto Rican trumpers by me took down their MAGA flag so make of that what you will
Before or after the MAGA movement called Puerto Rico a floating island of garbage? Just saying, it really does take a lot for the hardcore MAGA types to actually change their minds on this stuff.
This was weeeell after. Last I saw it was around inauguration.
The Albanian mafia front is still flying theirs, frustratingly
Someone finally let them know that Trump’s great America doesn’t include them?
Sounds like progress, to me!
Depends… it doesn’t fucking matter if they vote for him/Vance/whatever mini Trumpet is the next in the dynastic line… in 2028.
As one who used to be Republican and am a real conservative… It was basically what I expected. Actually I thought they let Zelensky talk more than I thought they would.
I’m a never Trumper though. So probably not what you’re asking for.
I feel about it probably similar to you. With the added shame of the fact that my tribe has betrayed its own values and is a laughing stock of the world.
There is no conservative on lemmy, especially not the ones who voted trump.
But as a Social Democrat, I hate this timeline and I did not ask for this. I voted harris and this shitshow aint my fault.
(Also, this post is gonna get removed since there’s a ban on US politics on this community imposed by the moderatoes)
There is no conservative on lemmy, especially not the ones who voted trump.
Oh there are. They’re mostly just on instances that most of us are defederated with, and the rest tend to keep quiet when outside of their spaces.
They’re exceedingly rare here. I know it makes it kind of an echo chamber but it’s nice to see the majority of comments not be hate-filled.
You father smelled of elderberries. >:(
Your mother was a hamster! >:P
I mean, they’re super hatefilled. Just, you know, not at us usually.
Well, I hate you, but that’s just personal.
Can you explain how this works to a 5(0)yo who is unfamiliar with federated/defederated workings?
Lemmy is like email. Imagine if google was full of trumpers and Microsoft full of democrats and Wikipedia full of leftists. Wikipedia refuses to accept emails from google. That’s defederation
The only difference is that it’s posts and comments on lemmy instead of emails.
Also, this post is gonna get removed since there’s a ban on US politics on this community
understandable, but unfortunate. there are some genuinely interesting responses.
Check out the comments on this article on Breitbart if you want to question life.
I don’t want to be a tinfoil hat guy, but those comments are all suspiciously well capitalized and punctuated. Smells like a pro Russia bot powered by an LLM
The only one which is well capitalised and punctuated is also the only guy who’s speaking sense (El Kabong), they just replied multiple times
They do know that Democrats aren’t helping Ukraine out of altruism, right? Democrats were helping because its in US interests to help, the moral implications of defending a country from invaders is secondary.
I bet these same people also support US helping israel commit its genocide against Palestinians.
Punch Putin in the dick for fucking with our elections.
Find a convenient way to write off all of our 3 generations old tech.
Show that the shit America can give away for free enables a much smaller nation defend itself from (arguably) the second largest super power.
Yeah. We weren’t sending weapons and aid out of altruism. It was a pretty clear message. We sell the best damn man-killing equipment on the planet.
Democrats were helping because its in US interests to help, the moral implications of defending a country from invaders is secondary.
When you talk about US interests, do you mean the state’s interests, or the people’s interests?
Good God why would you put yourself through this to show us these screenshots. Jesus fucking Christ
I don’t want to live on this planet anymore.
Feels bad, man. I just hope other countries pay attention. Y’all are seeing swings to the right too. Germany, Canada, Sweden, France, more, check yourselves before you find yourselves in the same spot.
If any good comes of this shit show, it might be that our terrible example causes other countries to pull back from the fascist agenda
“Brexshit effect”
I’m from the Netherlands, we were just ahead of the US elections. I know the hardcore Trumpers will never be convinced by any amount of solid proof that they are wrong but we somehow elected a populist blowhard and after a very difficult formation (it’s what happens when you need to form a coalition to form a cabinet usually necessary if you have more than two parties) we got a state government of people so incompetent, I wouldn’t let them preside over a local gardening club.
I was kind of intrigued when they picked a former director of the Dutch intelligence agency to be prime minister but that dude just screams ‘I don’t belong here and I disagree with everything my cabinet does’.
Now, they haven’t fundamentally screwed the pooch on anything that the Netherlands has built over the last three decades, but there are definitely plans to make our country less of a refuge for people in need of help in spite of folks who take advantage of a too friendly system.
The (western, I can’t speak to a world I’m no active part of) world is changing. It’s becoming tougher, and that essentially means that if you have either money, power or both you’ll be fine. If you don’t, well… dark days are ahead.
The only thing necessary for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing. Any time you feel you are witnessing an injustice, think to yourself, what would good men (I’m obviously saying ‘men’ to mean ‘humans’) be doing to make evil not succeed?
About as far from a republican/conservative as possible but I am American, and I am fucking pissed and embarrassed. But sadly I’m not surprised
I’m not a Republican, but I am a good bit more right than a lot of the fediverse tends to be (consider myself centrist, also refuse to align with a party on principle). I think they are doing a terrible job of diplomacy right now. I do think it is an intentional thing (on account of that’s kind of who trump is) but I still think this much stuff against our allies is really stupid. I don’t want to say too much as I didn’t vote this year (forgot until too late) and by my standards that means I don’t get to complain, but I can say I disagree with their methods overall, even though I may not disagree with everything they are trying to do.
I’m in the same position politically but DID vote and definitely not for Trump. Your viewpoint has merit.
I can’t speak for the populace but the politicians seem to be in lock-step with the leadership from what I’ve seen.
Video for the curious:
What the fuck. There’s so much wrong in this.
Poor Zelensky having to deal with that.Christ almighty
I’m not a republican (are there any on here?), but as a communist, I saw this an the inevitable conclusion from the start. You can get people invested in whatever if the news is on about it, but fundamentally, you’re asking Americans to care about a conflict halfway around the globe that most people can’t even find on a map, for an indefinite period of time, after we just got out of another conflict with no exit strategy that lasted 20 years and left everyone worse off, at a time when domestic material conditions are in decline.
Afghanistan, everyone said we couldn’t leave because it meant Al Qaida would win and “if we don’t fight them over there, we’ll have to fight them over here,” but after 20 years of bloodshed we finally just went home and let the “bad guys” win and simply stopped thinking about it. Then the same people said the same thing about Ukraine. Maybe it could’ve dragged on as long as Afghanistan (and maybe it still will) but at the end of the day it’s not an existential threat and we have too many problems at home for people to really care, hard to say there should be a blank check to Ukraine when people are struggling over here. Obviously, on lemmy people still care because of high political engagement and the demographics represented here.
As for the specific interaction, anyone who views our politicians as representative of the people should already have a rock-bottom opinion of us, if it took til Trump (not only that, but his second term) for someone to realize American politicians are vile, then their opinion seems pretty uninformed and I can’t say I care much what they think.
The thing is that a lot of people have lost faith in the idea of “benevolent interventionism” without concern for pragmatism. One of Trump’s secrets to success has been that he’s been able to triangulate and appeal to people regardless of why they disagree with the idea, and liberals help him out with that by painting everyone who disagrees with it with the same brush. Honestly, after Afghanistan, I imagine pressing Zelensky on a time frame and an exit strategy will go over neutral at worst to the median voter, much as people on here might hate to hear it.
not a conservative or republican, they’re (trump/vance) a fucking disgrace. absolutely fucking garbage.
Who gives a shit what a bunch of dumbasses think.