“Apartheid state accidentally creates first llm that can reason”
“Apartheid state accidentally creates first llm that can reason”
I must UNCE but I have no mreowrmreowweromeroewrow
The heroes once prophesied in the prophussy.
the gays are allowed in china
Welp. Welly welly welly then even.
but we already have dystopian end-stage capitalism at home
Especially when (IIRC) it is linked with our natural biome which we are only recently starting to study.
Is there no chance for the judge to throw it out, like garbage? One would think that’s what the court system is for, so no one can just pass dumb laws like this that undermines society.
bro get’s high af off bread lol
They are not at all dangerous. The most they can give you is pimples and really bad “acne”. Mostly their danger is psychological, as being covered in tiny bugs that consistently stab you to drink your blood while you’re trying to sleep isn’t that fun.