The announcement comes the same day a White House official told NBC News that President Donald Trump would be attending the game.
The announcement comes the same day a White House official told NBC News that President Donald Trump would be attending the game.
Fire all black people and somehow fault them for the whole thing.
At least if the rest of the country does not show solidarity and doesn’t organize a general strike - which is illegal by the way.
Fire every black person in the NFL??? Hooooooooboy.
2026 headline. “NFL viewership falls to 3. As in there are now 3 people still watching.”
Point taken.
Just don’t pay them, get them arrested and lease them back from the prisons. Slavery is legal in the US after all.
Pretty sure Adam Sandler produced a documentary about that years ago.
Why are people talking about a general strike in the USA? Surely you must realise everyone is too busy keeping their heads above water.
As opposed to the other general strikes done in times of plenty and happiness?
Our healthcare is tied to our work here in America. Losing that kind of safety net is scary, especially when you will be beaten by police for protesting, and now you need to go to the hospital.
The French understand the concept of worker solidarity though.
What the fuck? No wonder Trump is doing whatever the fuck he wants, Americans are too busy thinking about losing some of the comfort if they try raising their voice.
General strike and massive protests should have happened days ago.
It is beyond surreal that he is just face fucking everyone right now, and noone is doing anything. Because they are worried about losing their comfort.
Just wait a bit longer and you won’t have any comfort left anyway.
Honey, sweetheart, half the population voted for him. He won the popular vote.
Half the population would work as scabs for free.
Honey, sweetheart, I used to fight the fucking police during protests, over the course of years, in pretty much authoritarian society, where I was a minority by any means. We eventually won.
Americans are fucking cowards.For all the talk about their guns and bravery and freedom and all that shit, they are just paper tigers. Americans got comfortable and would now rather suck a dick than suffer some discomfort. Fucking representatives writing strongly worded posts on Twitter or BlueSky instead of raising hell on the streets. Incredible.
Also, 33% of eligible voters voted for Trump, so don’t act as if he has some massive majority.
General strikes usually happen when people realize that they won’t be able to keep doing that.