There is a coup occurring now

    1 month ago

    Mostly because it’s so brazen and fucking insane that people don’t even know what to do about it. If someone walked into your office building while waving a knife around and shouted, “get the fuck out or I’m gonna start stabbing people!” what do you think you’d do?

    My guess is that everyone is going to run out because we’ve been engrained to recognize the mechanisms in place to prevent and protect from these types of things. Anyone thinking anything other than getting the fuck out would probably be thinking “it’s not worth it, let the police handle it.”

    Let’s say you start shouting, “that’s illegal, go choke on a dick! C’mon y’all, there’s only one of him and many of us; we can’t wait for the police, ACAB!!!” I’d probably commend you when I read the article or your obituary, but everyone else in the office is going to be concerned with saving themselves and letting whatever contingencies kick in.

    Everyone with the power to stop this is sitting on their hands while waiting for someone else to step up. And we, the people? We’ve been trampled and subjugated for so long that now that we’re being told to rise up, we don’t know how. “Rise up against the system you helped manufacture? How? Y’all arrest and kill us in droves just for threatening money, much less people in power.”