They still hate the progressives more than they do the fascists.
They still hate the progressives more than they do the fascists.
They just need to stay out of the way of the people who are serious.
I don’t think that article was written by AI. If it was, it perfectly emulated the style of a barely-literate hack. I feel much stupider having read that.
And the “safe” ones are made with dog shit and industrial waste, sold by his quack friends.
One of the things I hate most about the fucker is that I can’t enjoy listening to Maggot Brain anymore.
The fact that an insurrectionist is president is also blatantly unconstitutional.
It’ll never happen through the formal system.
Not always. In Spain, it fizzled out after Franco died and the king brokered a deal to return to democracy. The transition was difficult, the Spanish right was never really purged of its fascists, but Spanish civil society now is quite vibrant.
In Portugal, the rule of the fascist junta of generals ended with a non-violent people-power revolution.
Yeah, people always say that, but advertising and propaganda work.
They’re the good cops.
Trump immediately gets what he wants by putting the slightest pressure on Netanyahu
It’s been 13 months. Netanyahu has achieved his war aims. He’s conceding nothing. Trump is just taking credit for nothing.
this conflict is holding up initiatives his party wants (namely Saudi recognition of Israel into the Middle Eastern trading cartels)
The Saudis and the Israelis are already in a de facto alliance, since both are opposed for their own reasons to the emergence of Arab democracy.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Biden was OK with killing off the Post Office. He was certainly no friend of Social Security when he was a legislator.
If you want an opposition, organize one or join one. But if you think that’ll be the Democrats, I’m sorry to tell you, that’s not what they are. They’ll still be trying to split the different right to the death camps.
Civil servants: tangle them up in procedure, practice malicious compliance, leak, and if necessary, undermine. Don’t enable mob rule.
Learn the lesson of history: this time around, first come for the Nazis.
They’re not even defending themselves. They’re killing women, children and old people. They’re destroying water purification plants and hospitals. Genocide is not an act of self-defence, it’s a crime against humanity.
Netanyahu is a bloodthirsty ultra-nationalist, but his even deeper self is just another shitty corrupt narcissist like Trump. He thinks he’s got everyone conned, and he’s grabbing everything he can while using the war as his claim to power. As soon as the crisis stops, people will start looking at how much he’s on the take again. So he’s always got to stir the shit and keep the populace in a state of panic.
It’s not meant to benefit consumers, it’s meant to enrich fossil-fuel companies even more.
That’s right, dear.
They’re looking for Gauleiters.