We’re on like society 6 dude. Tribes, city states, empires, nation-states, transnational alliances, and corpocracy.
Damn, I feel like Society 6 is just a step down. At least Society 5 was aesthetic.
Bruh it’s all been downhill since tribes. The kid that buried the first seed? Should have thrown his ass in the river. Fucking witch. Goddamn 10 year old is sloppy carrying his berries home 12,000 years ago and now I got jury duty.
Nah it’s that first asshole who crawled out of the ocean, that fuckers to blame for every single thing that’s ever happened, it’s that things fault WW2 started
3D printed multi-story sculptural buildings are right around the corner. AI robot gardeners are right around the corner. Might get interesting fast.
As global and national economies stagger and fail under the effects of climate change, you can at least look forward to the return of city-states. Maybe even a return to walled cities, if they’re near water.
If sex is good, why there is no sex 2? Curious.
Isn’t that just anal sex?
Edit: It’s a bit shittier than Sex 1.
Society is on rolling release model.
Cute monkey btw 😎
Love me an AI generated monke 😍
Damn this meme reminded me I’m still salty about being perma’d from PCM
We’re fucking trying, but we need to iron out all the bugs in the system before we import the code. This fork is fucked.
lol monke, what did you think zoo is?