I’ve had 2016 bad feeling in my gut for months. Never wanted to be wrong more in my life.
It’s wild to me that Democrats thought Hillary Clinton 2.0 was a good idea. They even fucked up the primaries like in 2016 as well.
There was no time for a primary.
I voted in the primaries so IDK what you’re talking about.
Like how granular do we want to get? There was no time for primaries with finding multiple candidates who have time to prepare a platform based on new pollng information (also takes time) on what policies were popular and battling it out for a month which would have cut into campaigning time.
Three was no time because they waited too fucking long
If you mean for Biden to step down, there’s no arguing with that.
The Primaries where I live where held in June. My options for President in June where Joe Biden and Terrisa Bukovinac. What you mean is there was no time to hold a second primary. If the Democrats needed to hold a second primary, doesn’t that mean they fucked up the first one?
Thank you for getting granular all on your own.
You’re welcome 🤗
joe biden has been in office for almost four years. his approval rating has been low for a while. there was time
… He didn’t step down until 3 months before then, so no there wasn’t time for a primary after he stepped down.
There was time for him to step down and I think he should have never tried for a second term, but that’s not what the discussion is.
it looks like we’re mostly on the same page here. maybe the only difference is that i think that joe biden’s refusal to step down was a core part of fucking up the primary. so, for that reason, i think it is an important part of the discussion. there would have been plenty of time if he had stepped down earlier.
but i’m more-so just trying to clarify my earlier comment. i completely agree with you that there wasn’t time for a primary after he stepped down.
You’re not clarifying. When I say “There was no time for a primary.” that is obviously after he stepped down. That you take that to be anything but that, well.
that’s not immediately obvious to me, since it’s assuming that it was an inevitability that he’d refuse to step down. and there are many reasons why he should have stepped down much earlier.
but i can also understand your side of things, and i can see how it would be obvious from your perspective. im just trying to share my perspective and clear up a misunderstanding. at the end of the day, it seems like we’re both in agreement about the big picture.
Everybody rolls with their fingers crossed
Everybody knows the war is over
And everybody knows the good guys lost
Everybody knows the fight was fixed
The poor stay poor and the rich get rich
That’s how it goes
And everybody knowsEverybody knows that the boat is leaking
Everybody knows the captain lied
Everybody got this broken feeling
Like their father or their dog just died…The last 2 weeks of nonstop Trump headlines was the nail in the coffin for me.
I thought we had it when he said they were eating cats and dogs.
I thought we had it when he said they were eating cats and dogs.
I made the mistake of thinking we had it when we heard him say he can grab them by the pussy so this one didn’t get me.
I thought calling Puerto Rico a floating island of garbage was the Trump campaign’s final death rattle.
I thought Roe v Wade would move the needle but apparently immigration is more important
I thought we had it when so many Republican insiders were worried, when even the Toupee himself was losing sleep over the possibility of losing. I hoped they knew something we didn’t.
Turns out they’re even incompetent at worrying.
They just wanted you to think they were worried so you wouldn’t vote. who do you think put out the news that trump didn’t get a good nights rest? who would even know that to share unless it was on purpose?
Same… As soon as the polls were showing how close it was I knew we were going to lose all of the swing states… We never learned our lesson over the last 10 years… Every poll Trump is involved in the polls underestimate him by a lot… +1 Harris, +3 Harris, whatever, is really +4 Trump.
Problem is they think the undecideds are actually undecided rather than ashamed of what they’re about to do.
Polls don’t account for people who are ashamed to tell the truth - even anonymously.
Did the bettors know? Or make profitable guesses?
Since ~Oct. 5 📈
A great show. Perfect for current binge watching.
Theme/intro sequence is great IMHO.
“Back in the 90s, I was in a very famous TV show […]”
The thing is, I was certain it would take more time than this. I thought the election would be close enough for him to contest it, and that the Supreme Court would end up deciding the election 6-3. Instead the presidency was just…handed to him directly.
I figured the outcome of this election would be one of three things:
- Harris wins decisively
- Harris wins by the skin of her teeth after a couple weeks of recounts and lawsuits
- Trump wins by the skin of his teeth after a couple weeks of recounts and lawsuits, and maybe a riot
I didn’t really consider the fourth option because Trump’s never won the popular vote before and it seemed like there was more excitement for Harris than Biden, at least up until the last month. So I’m actually blindsided by the fact that it turned out to be:
- Trump wins decisively
He didn’t do any better than he ever has, it’s just that nobody showed up for Harris.
Edit: plus the fact that the R’s seem to have every branch of government. This really couldn’t have gone much worse
Gun control from Bojack is kind of apt today as well.
This more or less captures the spirit of the last 100 days, yup. Maybe I should watch some Bojack, it’s certainly more lighthearted than this political season has been. Ugh
If you haven’t seen BoJack horseman, it’s a guy that knows he’s a bad person and he suffers because of it. That’s the whole series.
He suffers because of his actions, but thinks he deserves it, so he never changes them.
Bojack Horseman kinda sucks but for some reason this screencap got me just now
You’re kinda wrong
more power to you if you like it, but I don’t like the way it romanticizes depression / people with depression. I get that that may have been the point (after S1, when they gave up on trying to make a comedy show), but I think that show set back my recovery from depression a lot.
Mean to post on unpopular opinions?
The show? Or the character within the show?
Hey is that the horse from “Horsin’ Around”?
The Horse was the name of the character so it should be capitalized!
I feel like Bojack was an asshole but it was kind of perpetuated by the people around him, there were several times in the show where he really makes an honest attempt to turn things around and almost succeeds but always ends up getting shot down, sometimes by his past, sometimes by the influence of the other toxic stars around him and at the end of the show when he tries to make a public apology and then gets bait and switched by the media into burning his own name to the ground in the name of more views.
he’s very much still not a good person but he’s also kind of representative of how event honest attempts at redemption can be used against you.
Easily one of my favorite shows, but I still upvoted you. Rock your own opinion.
I rewatch every time my depression flares up, and I’m even more depressed by the end. And I hate Bojack more each time instead of instinctively siding with him. But I come out the other side feeling a little lighter, almost like having a good cry from a sad movie.