• interolivary@beehaw.org
    1 year ago

    Rydman is the perfect image of the “Finns Party”, who like all right wing extremists love pretending they represent the whole country.

    He was chosen as the replacement of a neo-Nazi who had to quit the ministerial post due to, you know, being a neo-Nazi, and not only is he also a neo-Nazi but he’s a pedophile on top of that – and this is not a rumor but based on an investigation carried out by the police. He unfortunately didn’t get sentenced as being a slimeball isn’t illegal and they couldn’t prove any of the illegal stuff that he’s rumored to have done, but there’s multiple instances of him harassing teenagers and even asking a 16 year old out for a date when he was in his 30s.

    A Nazi pedophile was seriously the best they could muster up, and he’ll fit right in. Our current Speaker of the Parliament has for example publicly fantasized about shooting a gay man in the head and has called everyone criticizing the literal neo-Nazis in his party mentally ill, and the head of the party thinks climate scientists are stalinists, has also publicly fantasized about murdering people, and absolutely detests foreigners and pretty much anyone who’s not a bigoted waste of perfectly good carbon like she is. Naturally the party is also claiming that this stuff you can read in non-Finnish newspapers about their latest PR disasters is all a lie planted by us evil leftists.

    That party is absolutely filled to the brim with the sickest people you could imagine, and the vast majority of their supporters are hideous people. It’s disheartening that they’re also the most popular party of the under 25’s here – 2nd most popular was the “fiscally conservative” one (ie. they’re fine with bigotry and often bigots themselves, they just understand enough to mainly not be bigoted in public) – which really made me lose hope in the future. Well, even more than I already have.

    • circularfish@beehaw.orgM
      1 year ago

      I am sorry that you have to deal with this, though I am secretly relieved that my country isn’t the only one that has lost its fucking mind.

      Are Finnish Nazi wannabe politicians as comically dumb as the ones in North America? Ours are still dangerous mind you - maybe even more so because of it - but a few of them are really, really dense. Like, neutron star dense.

      • interolivary@beehaw.org
        1 year ago

        Unfortunately most of the actual neo-Nazi politicians (and not just generic fascist-adjacents) are not stupid at all. The true idiots tend to just be generally socially conservative and hateful