• SmilingSolaris@lemmy.world
    2 hours ago

    Of course it’s terrorism. But there is a difference between an all powerful state committing terrorism on people it doesn’t have to, and a people committing terrorism on their occupiers and genocides after having literally every other option of fighting back being removed.

    You’ll nod your head to JFKs quote “those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable” and then sit on the fence when the inevitable happens. Acting like both sides are in the wrong when one side, the one with power in the situation committed to actions that everyone always knew would lead to this. I blame Israel for the death of its civilians due to palastinian terrorism.

    Same as I do with the polish Warsaw ghetto uprising.

    Same as I do with the IRA.

    Same as I do with native American uprisings.

    History is filled with noble causes resulting to terrorism due to the complete lack of any other options. It’s not great. It’s not cool. It fuckin sucks. But at the end of the day, it is ALWAYS the fault of the oppressor. Every time. Always.

    • sin_free_for_00_days
      1 hour ago

      I blame Israel for the death of its civilians due to palastinian terrorism.

      I return to my original statement, and we have now completed the circle and neither of us has changed. Much like the violence and depravity of religious wars in the Middle East.