Wait! Biden isn’t even in office anymore. How could this happen?
Wait! Biden isn’t even in office anymore. How could this happen?
France is also smaller than Texas. I would like to see a revolution, but we are so spread out I can’t see it happening.
I was talking with some kids the other month (Berkeley grads, so “kids”=mid 20s), and they really believed this current shit show is no big deal because they were taught about “checks and balances” in HS. It blows my mind that anyone thinks Fuckhead and the current GOP is just a normal swaying of the political pendulum.
The 2A was so that the Federal gov’t wouldn’t have a standing army. That went out the window really quickly when a Federal force under the first president had to be raised to put down the Whiskey Rebellion. At the time, the 2A should have been repealed or rephrased at least. Don’t forget that one of the jobs of the US gov’t, as defined in The Constitution (which admittedly, doesn’t mean much now when we have a president who is clearly does not qualify under the 14th Amendment), is to put down domestic violence.
Haha, projecting your projection. Classic. Here I was thinking your response was weird. I just can’t understand the emotional deficiency that would cause you to get so upset and involved in what was an innocuous post. I say it’s time to grow up and move on. I am getting more than a little bored by the inane responses, so may just go the blocking route.
Again, I’m sorry for your lack of imagination and child-like need to lash out. Therapy might help you.
I’m guessing Deere will just bribe lobby the new administration to make the fight reset.
This is such a weird thing for people to get twisted about.
I’m very sorry for your loss of imagination.
Very cool. I haven’t even thought of dillo in years.
Interesting that the rest of the developed world is fine with it. At least based on that title.
Don’t use any Meta shit. Or talk yourself into why your use case is so important that it out weighs the bad stuff.
Now I know I'm being used
That's okay man 'cause I like the abuse
If you haven’t seen it, the playlist of them playing on Shel Silverstein’s houseboat is fantastic. Shel, the well known author, can be caught playing harmonica, barefoot, while just hanging out in bed.
It’s good that Ukraine seems to be in a stronger position with fuckhead coming in over in the US next week.
Unpopular opinion - I like the look & the idea of the Cybertruck.
You are the first person I’ve seen say they like the look. But if we all liked the same thing, what a boring place this would be. Or more boring.
OP is some weird anti-democracy troll or idiot. I’m not sure which, and I don’t care to find out. Just posting for anyone who is too lazy to click on their profile. Blocking and moving on.
It might not be great, but it’s something. As a life long fan since the Bjorg era, not being able to watch tournaments for years has been kind of deflating.
Done. Thanks for the head’s up.
Ouch. That truth hit hard.
I had a Visor from Handspring. Very fond memories.