Feel free to whatabout this to the ends of hell, but this Chinese bullshit is a stain on the world. Another stain, as the whatabouts will correctly point out.
Haven’t been to reddit since the 3rd party bullshit. Switched to linux almost 30 years ago and never looked back. Newpipe and Tubular aren’t working for me lately. Maybe the next update. I’ve used LineageOS for a few years with no problems. If your bank app gives issues, just look up the Magisk modules that will fix that. It’s not too difficult. People make excuses, or justifications, for why they just have to use something, but in the end it’s what you can live with yourself still using. My hangup is Amazon, but I’ve been weaning myself from that lately because it makes me sick everytime I use it.
This is a topic that 99% of Dems don’t give a shit about, but 99% of magats lose their mind over. Fucking sports.
LOL, I was not expecting the Mark Hunt copypasta here.
Having spent a lot of time in Marinas, I can say this 100% matches my experience.
That’s just people reading their own shit into what I wrote. It’s a freaking gross reactionary way to be.
I really want to say something snarky, but in the end they are people and I hope they are safe and get the help they need to recover.
“Get a college degree and the world will be your oyster”
“Put in those extra hours/days/years, do more than the people around you, and it will payoff”
Archive Link I thought all posts were supposed to have alternative links. Whatever.
The headline is sensationalistic, because we are a country of morons, but the article gives a pretty good overview of the history and engineering problems with geothermal in the US.
It’s fucked up, but it’s just the status quo of China China-ing.
That whole shit show just reinforced my decades long belief that only assholes wear suits.
I bought a really inexpensive used Leaf almost a decade ago. It’s been the best car purchase of my life. Sure, I’m not going on any road trips with it, but for 99% of my driving, it’s perfect and charges off my standard outlet in the garage.
Yep, but it’s The New York Post, so to have something other than awful people commenting would be out of character.
Same age, but shit’s just gotten worse every year for a good decade or so for me.
If the gutless politicians in my fucked up country can’t stand up to the fuckhead president, corruption, and oligarchy, I guess I’m left to cheer for those on the outside telling us to go fuck ourselves. 100% support for this Norwegian company.
I mean, they invaded Tibet and have been genociding the Uyghers. There isn’t a “good” side in the bunch.
My heart broke for all the peace music festival children who were targeted by the Palestinians.
Edit: I don’t get why there are so many sick fucks on Lemmy that downvote not liking killing kids. Absolutely disgusting people.
Aside from everything else, why would he want to have any association with that fucking troll Kirk?