• Peter1986c@lemmy.ml
    4 years ago

    You would potentially put people at risk smoking that joint (just before or during work, also dependent on the kind of work and whether/how one does commute to it). Constitutionally you may take the joint though, just within reason. When it comes to vaccines, no-one can force you to take it because an individuals rights to their own body. It is however bl**dy inconvenient (as @jelbana@lemmy.ml already pointed out) that there is so much disinformation turning peoples minds to mush. Thus, it is harder and harder to convince them to do “the right thing” through persuasion. Trying to persuade first is important though, including attempts to hear from them on why they do not wish to take the vaccine. I mean, in this case at CNN one expects that the vast majority of staff know how reasoning/arguments work. Okay, maybe not everyone (like janitors*) but those would more likely be under contract with an external company (giving CNN no rights to make decisions on the employees in question).

    • I do not mean to disrespect those people