I met a young man intent on learning, not as a first language, but he had hopes of becoming fluent
My past job was as a translator between business (in their “requirements” and “feature” languages) to COBOL programmers in something like careful unambiguous English (of which most have a reasonable understanding)
There are people learning Latin in case it comes back. COBOL isn’t that much older
too be fair I studied Latin at school 40 years ago so this tracks
We found a COBOL programmer in the wild!
I’d ask you to retire and finally give a young person a chance, but none of them want to wait for floppy drives to load.
I work with COBOL programmers who came to Australia as adult refugees from an American war in South East Asia
Excuse my ignorance but is COBOL still spoken there? Sometimes language islands survive you wouldn’t expect
I met a young man intent on learning, not as a first language, but he had hopes of becoming fluent
My past job was as a translator between business (in their “requirements” and “feature” languages) to COBOL programmers in something like careful unambiguous English (of which most have a reasonable understanding)