It has always amused me that the tourists to the US that I’ve spoken to are often very excited to see raccoons, and disappointed if they don’t see them before they leave.

Some others I’ve noticed on the east coast of the US are blue jays and cardinals. Boy, do people get excited about those if they’ve never seen them before! Very pretty birds of course, just very easy to get used to and see as uninteresting as well.

  • Ragdoll X
    1 month ago

    Capybaras are pretty common in the area where I live, and really throughout most of Brazil. Don’t get me wrong, we still think they’re pretty cute, but I’ve seen some Americans get really excited about them.

    Oh, and the maned wolf. To be fair, I think they’re pretty neat too.

      191 month ago

      Are capybaras as chill as their reputation suggests, or is that more a feature of cases that are used to captivity? If the memes/images/videos are to be believed, I’d expect to be able to just wander up to one in the wild and have it respond like a well-socialized pet dog.

        91 month ago

        I’ve hung out with capybaras and can fully verify that they’re chill as fuck. They’re more skittish than a quokka, but as long as you’re chill, the capybara is!

          91 month ago

          Quokkas win as far as cutest and chillest animals to bless this planet. Quokkas should be everyone’s spirit animal.

            11 month ago

            Fun fact. When in danger, Quokka parents drop their little quokka babies from their pouch as a distraction so the parents can get away.

        21 month ago

        I’ve only ever heard of one incident with a capybara, when it killed my SO’s therapist’s dog, but it was supposedly protecting it’s cubs, so I would say as chill as a mammal can be

      91 month ago

      I went to the Buenos Aires zoo and Iguaçu and that capybaras can just roam freely in the zoo is amazing. And in Iguaçu (or Iguazu), coatis were fun. They’re devious.

        101 month ago

        I lived in the northeast for a few years in and around college and I was amazed by chipmunks. I had never seen one and was like, “Holy shit, a chipmunk!”

        I’ve been to the Galapagos, Australia, multiple African countries and nothing shocked me like seeing a chipmunk for the first time. Nature shows let you know exotic animals exist but there’s no nature show that’s just like, “Check out this [chipmunk, hedgehog, etc.].”

      1 month ago

      I would be SO EXCITED to see a wild capybara.

      That maned wolf is really cool! I thought they were extinct but I must have them mixed up with some other canine creature. Something with stripes?

      It looks like a long-legged megafox.

          1 month ago

          Fingers crossed that it isn’t actually extinct. Unconfirmed sightings have been going up recently. My head canon is that a government agency is covering it up so they can bounce back without tourist destroying the ecosystem just to see “the last one”.

        11 month ago

        Yep, I was going to say capybaras but also anacondas, although they are hard to spot, but I recall there’s one in Butantan Institute, in São Paulo city.

      501 month ago

      common animals


      “And here on your left you will see a prime example of the common European prince. No longer afforded a natural habitat, the nation of Britain has built special reserves for these princelings and other royalty, called palaces. On certain days you can observe royals being transported in specially equipped vehicles from one palace to another to encourage mating.”

      1 month ago

      My ex’s family were pissed when I didn’t take her to see Buckingham Palace. There is NOTHING there to see. They make it as boring a possible on purpose. It’s on a fucking roundabout for cry sake, you’d see more driving past.

  • Rimu
    491 month ago

    I’ve seen a vanload of tourists happily taking pictures of sheep on more than one occasion. New Zealand.

  • Pistcow
    431 month ago

    San Diego zoo has a racoon exhibit. I thought that was weird.

      291 month ago

      they probably fell into an empty enclosure one day and the zookeepers just rolled with it and put up a sign

      71 month ago

      The Audubon zoo in New Orleans has a raccoon exhibit and it’s got a rusted out jalopy for them to play in. And a mouse exhibit where their natural habitat is a spice cabinet. Also, we probably have the only zoo with recipes on the wall next to some exhibits. They’re a relic of a bygone era and I asked the zoologists about it and they were like, “I mean, most of us are vegetarians but we just think it’s funny so we leave them up.” And there’s a fake loup-garou around a corner where you can scare your kids.

      In grand New Orleans tradition, it’s also one of the few zoos that sells drinks and sometimes has live music. But it’s still probably one of the top 5 zoos in America for actual science and conservation. I haven’t seen one better besides San Diego and I frequent zoos. So, no one act like the giraffes or gorillas are upset. They get fed better than humans in most of the world and the climate is right up their alley.

        1 month ago

        Well yeah this (also central Ohio) is their native habitat. I seem to recall Columbus or Cincinnati zoo having a local wildlife section

        Opossums are also everywhere and are probably wildly exotic to people who aren’t used to there just being one marsupial in their garbage can and no others on the continent

      31 month ago

      I’m Dutch and a zoo near me has racoons too. But then again they’re an invasive species here so it’s not as weird.

  • Back when I worked at Disney, a subset of the Asian guests would get excited and take pictures of squirrels. Are there parts of Asia that don’t have many squirrels?

  • @Jano
    361 month ago

    Reindeer, the four-legged derp zombies of the animal world.

      51 month ago

      I was fucking thinking if we have any, but yeah, driving in the North and having basically stoner deer on the roads is not something all countries have.

    361 month ago

    Australian white ibises. They’re kinda like the Australian equivalent to a raccoon in the US; they eat rubbish and their roosts stink because they tend to congregate in a single tree and then shit everywhere. But they are quite unique looking birds: long beaks, black heads and white plumage. So the tourists find them quite interesting and the locals call them bin chickens.

    An Australian white ibis, a bird with white feathers, black head, long legs, and a long beak.

      201 month ago

      I was one of the fascinated tourists taking a million pictures of bin chickens. But, I was at least aware of it… because I remember at the time joking with my wife that the locals were laughing at us basically taking pictures of pigeons/seagulls.

    • velox_vulnus
      61 month ago

      There’s three different species of Ibises in India:

      • Red-naped Ibis
      • Black-headed Ibis
      • Glossy Ibis

      But we don’t see them as garbage birds - they’re quite rare in cities, and you can only see them in towns, villages and forests.

    351 month ago

    It’s not a weird animal but cats. Stray cats are literally everywhere and aren’t afraid of people so many will stop to pet them. And on the other hand, when visiting other countries, the lack of street cats does strike me a bit weird.

  • Yoast
    341 month ago

    I’ve had kinda an inverse experience of this.

    I was on a vacation to Mexico with my family and we decided to visit a local zoo. For the most part it was pretty similar to what we have back home with lions and gorillas but there was one exhibit that was drawing a large crowd so we decided to go see what it was. Once we are able to get a look inside there were just 4 or 5 white tailed deer grazing on some grass. We got a good laugh because back home these things are common to the point of nuisance. I don’t speak Spanish but I then started to notice several children pointing and mentioning “Bambi” to their parents and all the commotion made sense

    321 month ago

    I’ll answer the opposite way: in South America we have no crows, so it was by far the most fascinating animal I saw while in England.

  • I’m American and I always get a chuckle from the adoration that people have over raccoons as well. I guess they’re cute but they’re also a menace, there’s a reason we call them “trash pandas”.

    But I also went to Spain several years back and saw my first hedgehog. And it was even in a hedge! I took probably two dozen photos and the locals thought I was crazy. So I get it.

    261 month ago

    It’s all about the koalas and kangaroos but then they see a cockie or a rosella, hear a possum late at night and shit themselves