• Ghostc1212
    1 year ago

    The national bourgeoisie use those patriotic feelings to manipulate the working class into slaughtering their actual brothers and sisters across borders.

    Or perhaps different countries have different geopolitical interests which sometimes drive them to inflict violence upon eachother in pursuit of those interests

    The people facing the exact same conditions, the exact same assault on their living conditions, the exact same war imposed on them.

    Sweden and Finland have massively better living conditions than Russia and both have governments which were elected by the people. The illuminati you speak of are also either not very strong there or are incredibly benevolent considering how good the social programs are.

    Ukraine and Russia were both victimized heavily by socialists, causing their shitty economic system today, but Ukraine is attempting to align itself with the west, geopolitically and economically, so that it can reap the same economic benefits that the rest of their brothers in Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, Western Europe, North America, and Asia are all reaping from having free market economies and extensive international trade. The oligarchs in control of Russia don’t like this, because Ukraine has too many resources, is too close, and is too geographically valuable to lay outside of their empire, so they impose this war upon the Ukrainian and Russian people so that they can secure their interests. And of course, Ukrainians don’t like this, and neither does the West, so the Ukrainians fight back and we help them.

    To be an internationalist isn’t to devalue a connection to the community of fellow workers in your country, it’s to extend it across borders.

    To be an internationalist is to ignore all of human history and psychology in pursuit of a utopian pipe dream.

    • masquenox@lemmy.ml
      1 year ago

      Or perhaps different countries have different geopolitical interests

      Riiight… because the average Russian is gaining so much by this war? Just like the average USian benefited so much from the US occupation of Afghanistan?

      considering how good the social programs are.

      Do you mean the social programs they only have because Swedish and Finnish elites feared a Russian-style revolution so much? Those social programs?

      causing their shitty economic system today,

      Russia’s “shitty economic system” was created by the west’s rapacious “shock doctrine” of the 90s, dipshit. Get your facts straight.

      To be an internationalist is to ignore all of human history and psychology in pursuit of a utopian pipe dream.

      Riiiight… because imaginary lines drawn on a map must (somehow) be genetically encoded in humans by some kind of capitalist magic.

      Sheesh… bootlickers gonna bootlick, I guess.

      • Ghostc1212
        1 year ago

        Riiight… because the average Russian is gaining so much by this war? Just like the average USian benefited so much from the US occupation of Afghanistan?

        The Russian oligarchy, which is the current ruling class of Russia and descends from Soviet bureaucrats and mobsters, did stand to benefit greatly. Russia isn’t a democracy, so it’s only natural that the government doesn’t care about the people.

        The occupation of Afghanistan was incredibly popular among the American people when it began largely because Afghanistan was harboring people who, y’know, committed the biggest terror attack in history against the United States. It only became unpopular once it turned into a slog, and the reason we took so long to leave is because our withdrawal from Iraq went terribly and we didn’t want a repeat. Nobody gained much from it.

        Do you mean the social programs they only have because Swedish and Finnish elites feared a Russian-style revolution so much? Those social programs?

        Am I supposed to be defeated by this? Democracy works because of an agreement between the government and the people, wherein the government serves the interests of the people and is run by bureaucrats chosen by the people, and in exchange the people do not rebel against it and allow it to do government stuff. Of course democratic governments implement social programs out of fear of social instability, that’s a feature, not a bug.

        Russia’s “shitty economic system” was created by the west’s rapacious “shock doctrine” of the 90s, dipshit. Get your facts straight.

        Shock therapy was invented by the former leader of the RSFSR after he overthrew Mikhail Gorbachev, in order to turn the centrally planned Soviet economy into a free market economy. In the process, it ended up creating the oligarchy, made up of former Soviet bureaucrats and organized criminals. Everyone in the Russian upper class today got there because they took advantage of the absolute garbage system used by the USSR.

        Riiiight… because imaginary lines drawn on a map must (somehow) be genetically encoded in humans by some kind of capitalist magic.

        Humans are wired to be tribalistic and to view land as their tribal property, and to get violent over resources during times of scarcity so that their tribe survives the winter. If you pay attention in history class, you’ll see that humans have done this in some form from the stone age to the modern era. Nationalism is just human tribalism taken to the extreme, kinda like socialism is just envy taken to the extreme.

        Sheesh… bootlickers gonna bootlick, I guess.

        Cry about it, I guess.

        • masquenox@lemmy.ml
          1 year ago

          The Russian oligarchy

          I guess you can’t tell the difference between a Russian capitalist and the average Russian citizen, huh?

          Afghanistan was harboring people who

          Oh, are you talking about that guy that was found in Pakistan? That the guy you are talking about? Also… 9/11 wasn’t a “terror” attack. If the US wants to play colonialist empire, it becomes a justifiable target. All of it.

          Democracy works

          Stop using terms you don’t understand. You have never experienced democracy, and you know nothing about it.

          Shock therapy was invented

          No, Clyde… get this right - “shock therapy” was invented by the Chicago Boys in the 70s and 80s… Chilean “students” of magical capitalist grifters such as Milton Friedman. Your history is as garbage as your politics.

          Humans are wired to be tribalistic

          Then you should have no trouble providing proof of this “tribal” gene whose existence you are peddling, Clyde. I hope this won’t take you long.

          Cry about it, I guess.

          Having tears in one’s eyes is still far better than having shoe polish on one’s tongue - it doesn’t matter if it’s over-priced shoe polish.

          • Ghostc1212
            1 year ago

            Oh, are you talking about that guy that was found in Pakistan?

            I know you’re a communist and therefore aren’t able to understand things about the world, but you have to know that people can, y’know, move around, right?

            Also… 9/11 wasn’t a “terror” attack. If the US wants to play colonialist empire, it becomes a justifiable target. All of it.

            By this logic, the USA should’ve committed genocide in Afghanistan like the Soviets did because if Afghanistan wants to play terrorist they become a justifiable target. But I’m sure you’ll come up with pretzel logic to say that that’s somehow not what you’re saying.

            Stop using terms you don’t understand. You have never experienced democracy, and you know nothing about it.

            The United States invented freedom, liberty, democracy, and McDonald’s. I should know a thing or two about all of that.

            No, Clyde… get this right - “shock therapy” was invented by the Chicago Boys in the 70s and 80s… Chilean “students” of magical capitalist grifters such as Milton Friedman. Your history is as garbage as your politics.

            Who cares, the only people who actually implemented it that anyone cares about are Boris Yeltsin and his colleagues in Eastern Europe.

            Then you should have no trouble providing proof of this “tribal” gene whose existence you are peddling, Clyde. I hope this won’t take you long.

            Look, look, look, I know you’re a communist, but you have to be able to understand that genetics are complicated, right? It’s not possible for me to give you one or two genes that are responsible for human psychology, there’s like thousands of them that all interact with eachother to make you act like you.

            I guess this is what happens when you lack the ability to comprehend anything that isn’t quantifiable. Thank you, materialism!

            Having tears in one’s eyes is still far better than having shoe polish on one’s tongue - it doesn’t matter if it’s over-priced shoe polish.

            bourgeois shoe polish tastes better than Stasi shoe polish lmao

            • masquenox@lemmy.ml
              1 year ago

              y’know, move around, right?

              Did you figure that out before or after you endorsed the slaughter of tens of thousands of Afghans, bootlicker?

              USA should’ve committed genocide

              Does the thought of the US committing genocide get you all hot and bothered, fascism-boi?

              The United States invented freedom, liberty, democracy,

              More words you don’t understand the meaning of.

              Who cares

              Oh, is that your response when your alt-history gets debunked?

              bourgeois shoe polish tastes better

              I’ll take your word for it, fascist - the taste of shoe polish is your area of expertise. Not mine.

              • Ghostc1212
                1 year ago

                Did you figure that out before or after you endorsed the slaughter of tens of thousands of Afghans, bootlicker?

                He was in Afghanistan when we invaded.

                Does the thought of the US committing genocide get you all hot and bothered, fascism-boi?

                Not nearly as much as when the US invaded Afghanistan and only killed 46k civilians, far lower than when the Soviets killed a third of the entire country’s population in their invasion. The moral superiority of the neoliberal bourgeois world order makes my dick hard.

                I’ll take your word for it, fascist - the taste of shoe polish is your area of expertise. Not mine.

                ya, I guess communists don’t taste very much of anything after the revolution, which is why they’re all sickly and emaciated

                • masquenox@lemmy.ml
                  1 year ago

                  He was in Afghanistan when we invaded.

                  And you failed to invade Pakistan when he was there, eh? That’s pretty sloppy, fascist.

                  makes my dick hard.

                  Yeah, I figured you’re the kind that gets off on dead bodies.

                  don’t taste very much of anything

                  Lick harder, bootlicker - Papa Trump can’t see his own reflection in his shoes yet.

                  • Ghostc1212
                    1 year ago

                    And you failed to invade Pakistan when he was there, eh? That’s pretty sloppy, fascist.

                    Well ya, that’s because Pakistan was cooperative

                    Yeah, I figured you’re the kind that gets off on dead bodies.

                    If I liked dead bodies I’d become a communist, most of the untimely deaths of the 20th century happened in the communist world after all

                    Lick harder, bootlicker - Papa Trump can’t see his own reflection in his shoes yet.

                    I’m actually voting for Joe Biden