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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023


  • but the US knew Saddam had chemical weapons

    Yes, I know… the US knew about every gallon of mustard gas and sarin Saddam had - not only did the US provide intelligence to Saddam to specifically help his use of the stuff during the Iran-Iraq War be more effective, they could also literally read almost every damn ciphered communique of the Iraqi army at the highest levels thanks to the fact that Iraq used compromised ciphering machines bought from the CIA front company Crypto AG in Switzerland.

    They knew perfectly well Saddam had destroyed all his stockpiles - if he hadn’t, Bush would have never dared to invade Iraq.

  • I’m sure he would rather put them on trains. And still wouldn’t see the hypocrisy.

    Funny you mention that… one of the things that barely gets any mention in history books is how enthusiastically Europe’s police forces collaborated with the Holocaust - the Vichy police literally rounded up Jewish people by the thousand to send off to the death camps without the Nazis even asking them to do so.

    It’s almost like the institution of police was invented to act as a distillery for the worst right-wing goons that the people at the top can sicc on anyone that the status quo has painted as a threat and/or scapegoat.

  • or left-center and still support free markets and capitalism.

    Absolutely not. There is no such thing as “leftist capitalism.”

    What is left and right is really simple - you are either for dismantling systems of power and privilege (left) or you are protecting systems of power and privilege (right). The (so-called) “center” is merely politics that performs the latter while pretending to sympathize with the former.

    Believe it or not, it’s possible for a person to hold right and left ideals simultaneously.

    No, it isn’t - you can’t be “half-pregnant.” If your politics protects power and privilege it’s perfectly clear what politics you ascribe to… it doesn’t matter what you may personally feel about this or that irrelevant little disagreement you may have with your fellow travellers regarding the details. A person that believes abortion should only be allowed “in cases of rape” is no less right-wing (ie, misogynist and patriarchal in this case) than a person that wants it abolished altogether.