President Biden told a Democratic lawmaker and members of his Cabinet after the State of the Union address that he told Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that they will need to have a “come-to-Jesus meeting.”

Biden’s comments, captured on a hot mic as he spoke with Sen. Michael Bennet (D-Colo.) on the floor of the House chamber, came after Bennet congratulated the commander in chief on his speech and pressed him to keep pressure on Netanyahu over increasing humanitarian issues in Gaza.

    • mozz
      1054 months ago

      I greatly enjoy that Biden is this way.

      When he was campaigning, he was in an interview about Turkey, and he said more or less if Erdoğan gets out of line we might have to get rid of him. Then he realized what he said wasn’t a “say out loud” type of statement, and tried to walk it back by saying well, I don’t mean with a coup or anything, just, you know, we’ll have to see what we can do. Which only made it 10 times worse. The US press didn’t really notice but it was a shit storm in the central-Asian press for like 6 months.

      But the thing is, every US president has thoughts and plans like that. I’m not saying it or the neoliberal empire are good things. I’m just saying that Biden has those thoughts and then sometimes actually says them out loud which I actually prefer over the “I’m so self-aware that every statement is preanalyzed and often kind of indirect” Washington standard.

        4 months ago

        Biden has those thoughts and then sometimes actually says them out loud which I actually prefer over the “I’m so self-aware that every statement is preanalyzed and often kind of indirect” Washington standard.

        Which is something that MAGAs say they like about Trump, but they’re always trying to cover for his most outrageous nonsense by saying “no, that’s not what he meant.” And in actuality, what he really does is say what he thinks will get the most applause at the time; and sometimes he overshoots.

        Whereas with this, it’s like…reasonable stuff that has been caught slipping out of Biden’s mouth, just reasonable stuff that most politicians won’t say.

        Though I have to say, I really wish some reasonable stuff about a cease-fire and stopping arms shipments would’ve slipped out a few months ago.

        • mozz
          4 months ago

          Which is something that MAGAs say they like about Trump

          Yeah. With Trump it’s a little different. I actually get it kind of. He’s authentic to himself in a way most politicians are not. He’s just a big fat mean asshole who likes shouting and cheeseburgers and raw-dogging porn stars. He doesn’t like paying taxes and he doesn’t like smart people who try to get one over on him. For the most part, what you see is what you get.

          I think a lot of rural America has an absolute hatred for Washington, because Washington for the most part hasn’t given a fuck what happened to them for the last 50 years. And I think they see Trump, and say well, he’s an asshole, but he’s not one of those weird plastic people who’ve been stealing from my pension fund and making sure my health insurance doesn’t work, and he seems to hate them too and not afraid to get violent with them. Hey, that sounds pretty fuckin’ good from where I’m standing. He’s got my vote.

          I’m not saying their assessment of the impact of Trump on their pension fund is accurate. But their read of him as a person, I think, is actually the root cause of why they like him and I think that part is true.

          Though I have to say, I really wish some reasonable stuff about a cease-fire and stopping arms shipments would’ve slipped out a few months ago.

          Yes. 😢

            204 months ago

            their read of him as a person, I think, is actually the root cause of why they like him

            Yeah. They want a strong man to hurt all of the people that the alt-right media has told them are the cause of their problems. Only…

            he’s not one of those weird plastic people who’ve been stealing from my pension fund and making sure my health insurance doesn’t work,

            …is the exact opposite of true (he’s plastic, but angry plastic instead of bland plastic). Which brings me to…

            He’s authentic to himself

            I don’t think he is, though. I don’t even think he knows what that would look like. I don’t think he likes giving speeches, he just likes applause. I don’t think he wants to be president (and I don’t think he did in 2016 or 2020 either), he’s just terrified of what’ll happen if he’s not in the limelight anymore. I don’t think he likes Coca-Cola or Big Macs, I think he just does whatever will make the person/people in front of him say how great he is. I don’t think he has a self outside of what other people tell him it is.

            Incidentally, that’s why he has a quarter million indictments.

            • mozz
              4 months ago

              he’s plastic, but angry plastic instead of bland plastic

              Oh, I wasn’t saying he was honest. He presents himself as smart and rich, which is flaming bullshit. I think some of his followers believe him about that, but that’s not why they like him; there are plenty of genuinely smart and rich people they despise.

              The awful neoliberal suit-wearing jerks are one kind of asshole who’s hurting their financial futures and the communities their kids have to live in, and they know that. But absolutely you’re right; Trump is something much, much worse and much more dark, and they’re making a terrifying mistake by supporting him just because he is (genuinely, and with real authenticity) not one of those people.

            4 months ago

            I think they see Trump, and say well, he’s an asshole, but he’s not one of those weird plastic people who’ve been stealing from my pension fund and making sure my health insurance doesn’t work, and he seems to hate them too and not afraid to get violent with them. Hey, that sounds pretty fuckin’ good from where I’m standing. He’s got my vote.

            Rural Americans by and large don’t have pensions anymore if in fact they ever did, and they’ve been thoroughly brainwashed to believe that their insurance worked better back when you could be kicked off your plan for costing too much and be blacklisted from getting any in the first place if you had a pre-existing condition. No, the thing that they liked about Trump was that he said he hated all the people they hated too, and he gave them license to speak their hate aloud after decades of being told that they were bad people if they hated somebody because of some indelible feature of their origin or identity.

          94 months ago

          Though I have to say, I really wish some reasonable stuff about a cease-fire and stopping arms shipments would’ve slipped out a few months ago.

          Lol, was about to comment something similar. He should have been publicly calling for a cease fire the second Israel made it clear they will murder civilians

            84 months ago

            I mean, even Trudeau put his foot in it with his “I think we need an immediate cease–uh, cease-cessation of–a…we need to see the firing cease…”

            If Biden had done something like that, this would’ve been over before Christmas.

              64 months ago

              I’m an idiot when I talk to people all day everyday. The gaffs in speech aren’t what I care about. I care that Biden kept publicly supporting Israel for so long.

        304 months ago

        To your last point, compare and contrast with Obama, whose speech patterns were chock-full of long pauses where you could just tell he was doing higher-order political math on the next phrase. To an extent that’s because that’s what Obama had to do or else the Hannities and Carlsons of the world would find some minute quibble they could build out into an elaborate conspiracy with which to fan the right-wing outrage machines for another week… but for all the other problems I have with the man I do appreciate the no-fucks-given mindset Biden’s brought to the job. The right wing media hate machine has become fully decoupled from reality at this point; there’s no reason to soft-shoe around things that might set them off anymore.

        174 months ago

        I get down voted here for saying that sometimes Joe Biden’s mouth gets out in front of his brain. But it’s so, so true.

          74 months ago

          What i find funny about that is…isn’t that the case for all “normal” people? Happens quite often to me and a few of my friends and acquaintances. I like Biden because he actually could be just a normal, run of the mill grandpa. He’s had his fair share of loss, he knows stuff and has a lot of general life expectancy…

        04 months ago

        I mean, look at what they’re doing in Pakistan right now. They didn’t like Khan so they’ve put him in prison, and when his party still won the election despite this, they tried to steal the election (and the state department still hasn’t said anything about this).

        3 months ago

        The US press didn’t really notice

        They’re generally more interested in chasing down the next story, vs. spending more time on a current one.

        Edit: I’ve apparently offended people with short attention spans.

    694 months ago

    An aide to Biden then appeared to inform the president that his microphone was still on.

    “I’m on a hot mic here,” Biden replied. “Good. That’s good.”

    334 months ago

    The irony is funny, but that is a common idiom in english speaking countries. Biden isn’t literally going to speak to Netanyahu about converting to Christianity as if he’s some sort of political missionary.

      184 months ago

      Uh it sounds very much like an America idiom to me mate.

      Cant say it’s something I’ve ever heard it in Australia, nor would i expect such a religious phrase (outside of expletives) to be that common.

        224 months ago

        I believe it is American specifically, I haven’t even heard it in Canada. But it is a very secular saying - it has a religious background but is used in irreligious contexts all the time.

          4 months ago

          It’s American specifically. “Come-to-Jesus” evokes the tent revival culture that started in the second great awakening in the 1830s and continues to the present day.

          In the tent revival culture, an itinerant preacher will ride into a (typically small) town and pitch a tent for about a week or two (or more). They then attempt to “revive” the faith of the townspeople by preaching intensely for several hours at a time, sometimes for multiple times per day. In typical Christian fashion these services will include multiple invitations to literally “come to Jesus” by publicly confessing sins and professing faith before the whole group, thereby becoming born again. Regular church goers are expected to attend revival sessions every night when they’re in town.

          Everything about the tent revivals evokes imagery of the early Christians in Acts and the epistles. Large crowds and mass conversions. That sort of thing.

      • FuglyDuck
        64 months ago

        It’s very much an American (and specifically Christian) idiom.

        I’ve never heard somebody who wasn’t nominally Christian use it.

          114 months ago

          I’m not, and I use it at work when someone is stepping out of line. However, I was raised Christian. I always assumed it was a southern saying like so much other shit that accidentally falls out of my mouth.

      04 months ago

      Still, a more deft politician would avoid using that specific idiom when it comes to a conflict between Jews and (predominantly) Muslims.

          -64 months ago

          How does that make a difference? Even if it wasn’t on a hot mike, he would’ve risked the senator or someone around telling it to the press or anything like that. Even in ‘private’ conversation politicians should be careful about what they say.

            54 months ago

            “Risked?” I don’t know, I pretty much disagree with everything you’re saying here, and think you’re reading way too much into it

        44 months ago

        Have you ever avoided saying “It’ll be a slam dunk” in front of us Bostinians because you’re afraid we’ll interpret that as you assuming we’re all fond of Dunkin Donuts and that’s a generalization?

    • @roguetrick@lemmy.worldOP
      4 months ago

      I have no doubt he wants to finally explain to Bibi how weak he is domestically and picking a fight with Biden by meddling in US domestic politics can be a two way street. I don’t, however, believe Biden actually wants to stop the genocide. The point is, Bibi is very vulnerable to someone actually hitting his weak points for once and a vote of no confidence on the war cabinet is very possible.

      If Biden had any sense, he would’ve already been going after Likud this whole time. Instead he’s been allowing himself to be dragged around by his ear while Bibi openly supports him getting replaced by Trump.

    164 months ago

    If he’s still selling them weapons for genocide and still running interference for them at the UN, he is still supporting genocide.

    Biden needs to stop supporting genocide. Biden needs to have a come to Jesus moment.

        4 months ago

        You’ve received several responses but the meaningful “come to Jesus” story actually relates to Saul (Paul, who is responsible for much of Christianity) on the road to Damascus.

        Paul was persecuting primitive Christians and while he was traveling to Damascus to arrest them, he was temporarily blinded by divine intervention that led to his conversion and stopped him from continuing to persecute people. The dramatic intervention disabused him of the errant beliefs that caused him to injure people, in other words.


        That’s what the comparison is talking about. It’s a metaphor that relates to needing a dramatic and often violent wakeup call to snap someone out of doing something wrong. From a Christian perspective you can see how Paul being shaken up enough to change his name, religion, profession, etc was a real “come to Jesus” moment.

        That’s the key context I think you’re asking about. It’s not really about converting to Christianity. It’s more about having a BIG wakeup call that you’re on the wrong path (literally in Paul’s case) and you need to change your ways because you’re hurting people (or you’ll stay blinded if you’re Paul I guess).

        Hope that helps!

        124 months ago

        It’s an idiom or phrase that means he’s going to yell at Netanyahu and possibly set an ultimatum.

          4 months ago

          I understand the meaning. What i dont get is the idiom.

          As far as i know (and i am not religious) Jesus only got furious once, at people trying to make money off god and always talked about mans free will

            4 months ago

            It’s a moment of realization that makes you change your ways. It’s just really awkward phrasing since Netanyahu is a secular Jew.


            Just as finding Jesus is said to save a person’s soul, a come-to-Jesus meeting or moment results in new, though difficult, understanding or behavior (i.e., changing one’s ways).

            By the the 1990s, the expression had become familiar enough to stand for such a meeting or moment all on its a own (e.g., Our son needs a come to Jesus about doing well in school or People need a come to Jesus about their smartphone addiction).

            Come to Jesus is often seen as a business or workplace cliché. Supervisors, for instance, may have a come to Jesus meeting with employees if performance needs serious correction. Come-to-Jesus moment won Forbes’ magazine’s cheeky 2013 Jargon Madness competition, which pitted overused corporate buzzwords against each other à la March Madness basketball brackets.

          • @pheet
            94 months ago

            That’s how idioms ofter are: there’s nothing to get, only to know.

            24 months ago

            It goes back to tent revival events in the late 1800’s. People would literally come to Jesus and dedicate themselves to Christianity.

              • It’s supposed to mean that enough outside pressure has mounted to force the kind of introspection where you reconsider everything you think you know or are. In a way, you are releasing your ‘self’ in exchange for becoming one with the larger picture.

                So you might have someone that let’s say has a drinking problem… They think they are managing and are not cognizant of how their behavior or actions are impacting others. You have an intervention so that the person can learn the weight of the burdens he’s made other people shoulder, forcing introspection and a “come to Jesus moment”

          • Captain Aggravated
            14 months ago

            I never took it as a biblical thing, because Christianity especially in the United States has very little to do with the bible. A “Come To Jesus” meeting is about demanding conformity in no uncertain terms

          • @pheet
            14 months ago

            deleted by creator

      -74 months ago

      With Hamas being very clear about wanting to commit genocide, the choice is this conflict is not genocide vs. no genocide. The choice is about which side is given more opportunity to commit genocide. Horrific that is the choice, but it’s not like disarming the Israelis would result in fewer human deaths in that region.

        44 months ago

        Hamas does not have anything like the resources to actually enact a genocide and they never will. Regardless of this, the people of Palestine do not deserve to be executed en masse for Hamas’ crimes.

            24 months ago

            It’s mystifying! Hamas is obviously a pretty evil organisation, but the fact that people seem to think this justifies what’s happening is horrifying.

        34 months ago

        When you colonize a region and then try to say it’s an US vs Them situation like you both should be allowed, it makes your argument a lot less valid. It’s not like these 2 peoples just woke up in a cage together. It’s a colony. One group forced themselves into the area.

        This isn’t to say to genocide the Jews or something like your fucked up brain imagines is the only solution. But it does mean that the state of Israel doesn’t get to just stop here and keep all its genocidal spoils. It’s going to have to give up and lose some of its land and absolute power over these people. It has to stop treating palastinians like subhumans. It has to give up control over some things. As long as it’s unwilling to do so, it will continue creating people who hate it to the point of utter annihilation, and it will be the state of Israels fault for treating people that way.

        104 months ago

        Are you denying it’s a genocide, or do you think Biden’s support of Netanyahu’s genocide is funny?

        Not that either answer changes anything about who you are.

    124 months ago

    I award him no credit for this. Same as we find out Republicans who privately despite Trump but publicly defend him.

    • @roguetrick@lemmy.worldOP
      4 months ago

      Biden doesn’t want to stop it, he wants to reduce the noise. And to achieve that his best option is to use indirect and direct support to knock Bibi out of control of the knesset. It’s something that should’ve been done since the inauguration. The idea that he was going to somehow get the support of Bibi in any capacity was idiotic.

      Edit: I’m genuinely curious what makes this so controversial of a take. That I’m arguing for realpolitik interventionism or that I’m criticizing biden?

        24 months ago

        You are attributing active malice, like Biden wants this shit to go on.

        There is a big difference between not wanting to pressure somone to stop something vs WANTING that something to go on.

        I’m sick of people acting like it’s somehow OUR responsibility to stop Israel.

        WTF is Biden getting shit for some other asshole leader doing shitty things?

        How about blaming Benjamin Netanyahu? Or blaming the assholes that voted for Netanyahu?

        This whole Israel thing just smells like some Republican bullshit trying to blame Democrats for something ridiculous.

        • @roguetrick@lemmy.worldOP
          4 months ago

          We continue to supply arms and rush to do so. That Bibi’s cabinet is full of genocidal maniacs(and that his coalition is specifically BUILT on those genocidal maniacs so it’s resistant to soft attempts to lower the temperature because that would result in the fall of Bibi’s government and his imprisonment for corruption) was known before the conflict even started. I don’t really know how you think people will interpret this. If you think Biden’s administration is unfairly tarred by their actions, maybe they shouldn’t have done it. Ignorance is a fig leaf.

          And even this is a response to a domestic issue. That’s why I say Biden wants to reduce the noise. He’s certainly showed no interest in actually using leverage to halt the conflict.

            04 months ago

            Whether you like it or not Israel is considered an US ally and they are a democracy. Sometimes allies drag you into shit, because politics on a global scale is complicated.

            Look at Afghanistan and Iraq and how many of our allies we dragged into shit. You can’t just say “no fuck off”, because that means you’re not really a reliable ally.

            World politics is complicated, but like I said blaming Biden or wanting him to be some big dig swinger is just kids talk that don’t understand fuck all about politics.

            • @roguetrick@lemmy.worldOP
              34 months ago

              Horseshit. Biden is NOW doing exactly what I said. Being hostile to Likud and leveraging the US’s position to freeze him out. The idea that we were somehow constrained by them being US allies before but aren’t constrained now is silly. It’s purely because he was too afraid of pissing off domestic Israel supporters and that fear led to the exact situation we’re in now. These are decisions made, not the ineffable ebb and flow of international relations. And they were the wrong decisions.

  • Binzy_Boi
    04 months ago

    Ah yes, like how you said we were supposed to have the ceasefire on Monday after you knew the uncommitted vote was coming.

    Fuck you.

  • rutellthesinful
    -34 months ago

    oh, whoops, i dropped my monster statement that i use for my come-to-jesus dong

    -114 months ago

    He does a lot of talking. He also structures arms deals so that they don’t meet the minimum requirement for oversight from Congress in order to supply arms to a country engaged in an obvious genocide. I guess he’s a pretty good multitasker!

    • mozz
      154 months ago

      Let me guess: If Biden does actually reverse several generations’ worth of mass-murder-enabling Israel policy, and brings about a positive change to the absolute worst thing that the US does and has been doing for the last 50 years, it’ll suddenly be something else that you’re incredibly upset at him about which is your reason you can’t possibly support him.

      No? Maybe not. How do you feel about his actions in regard to climate change?

        4 months ago

        Well the fact that he allowed record oil extraction under his watch says that he doesn’t take it as seriously as he should.

        I don’t support Biden for a lot of reasons. One of which being I’m Canadian. Trump is worse than Biden. Does that allow me to pass your purity test? Do you have anything at all of substance to add to my comment or just fucking argumentative bullshit?

        • mozz
          4 months ago

          Well the fact that he allowed record oil extraction under his watch says that he doesn’t take it as seriously as he should.

          Got it. So there are two talking points which are commonly brought up to say Biden did a bad job on the climate; this is one of them. This, in contrast, is an actual summary of what he’s done; among other things, it claims there’s a Democratic theory that the big climate bill puts us on track for a 40% reduction in emissions by 2030. I don’t know if that’s accurate, but those are the terms in which I think it’s sensible to analyze his actions on climate: What is the expected impact? As opposed to, what’s some individual fact that is cherry-picked for maximum argumentation impact, and then repeated consistently without context (in this case, used to argue that he doesn’t take it seriously when he made massive climate legislation into a priority early on in his presidency.)

          Does that allow me to pass your purity test? Do you have anything at all of substance to add to my comment or just fucking argumentative bullshit?

          Sorry, what? My comment wasn’t real polite, but it’s not like there wasn’t a productive point to it.

          I suspect your original comment of being made in bad faith. Your response to my question about the climate, which does not include detailed analysis of what’s going on, but does fit lock-and-key into one of the two active talking points about “why Biden is bad for the climate,” furthers that suspicion.

          You’re obviously not obligated to talk with me further about it. I was just curious. You’re free to say whatever you want.

            • mozz
              -104 months ago

              Just take the L and move to some other debate pls

                84 months ago

                I started the thread. You’ve done nothing but try and derail. Do you have any thoughts on the structuring (illegal by the way) of arms sales to Israel or are you a troll?

                • mozz
                  14 months ago

                  I just noticed that about 8-10 upvotes dropped all at once to your comments in this exchange, and a similar number of downvotes all at once to mine. Would it offend you if I investigated in some detail where all those votes came from?

      • FuglyDuck
        14 months ago

        Lemme guess, Biden could go over to Netty’s for a little Palestinian-Baby bbq, and you’d still support Biden?

        It’s fair to criticize Biden for supporting and enabling genocide. It’s also fair to point out that. Biden has been a senator for most of those fifty years.

        It’s also fair to point out that corporate subsidies aren’t going to solve climate change or bring resiliency to what change is now unavoidable.

        It’s also fair to recognize that Trump is an even greater asshole.

        But it’s not fair to point to Trump and say it’s unfair to criticize the sitting president for their actions.

          4 months ago

          criticize the sitting president for their actions.

          It’s not this so much as the attitude that it’s too late, so everything he does now is wrong.

          If there’s literally nothing he can do at this point that you approve of, then why bother trying to get your approval?

          • FuglyDuck
            34 months ago

            Anything he does now is a hollow apology for what has already happened. Nothing he can do will absolve the US- and him specifically- for what support has already been provided.

            Not that my support actually matters to him. Or yours. He doesn’t care what you or I have to say. Which is why he didn’t hesitate to support genocide, and has continued to support genocide.

            This is something that can’t be made right. It’s not a political game.

        • mozz
          4 months ago

          Pretty sure none of that has anything to do with what I actually said.

          I guess it is easier to argue with someone if you can just decide that they’re saying “it’s unfair to criticize the president” or similar bollocks and then explain why that is wrong. 🙂

          (BTW - If you scroll around in this thread, you will find me criticizing Biden)

          • FuglyDuck
            124 months ago

            Pretty sure drawing contrast to your apparently unquestionable support for Biden- specifically surrounding genocide- has everything to do with your criticism that we’ll never be happy.

            And you might be right. There’s very little Biden can do or say to come back from his support for genocide. And as for climate change… he’s as hypocritical with that as he is calling for a ceasefire while making sure Israel stays fully stocked on bombs.

            (For example, he broke his promise to block new drilling on federal lands, has released more oil from the strategic reserve than all other presidents combined and established policies which has increased oil production.)

              114 months ago

              Nah man he’s right, Biden fixed the climate and saved Palestine! It’s us, the simple minded voter, who are wrong.

            124 months ago

            Pretty sure none of that has anything to do with what I actually said.

            I should have just said this when you first commented on my original comment lmao. I didn’t realize how easy it was, thanks.

            04 months ago

            It’s always amazing how dedicated they are at “offering criticism” completely out of context, with little to no evidence that completely ignores anything that doesn’t paint Democrats in a bad light while simultaneously ignoring any criticism of the GOP. Solutions and context are enemies for some reason…

        13 months ago

        I was legitimately thrilled with the Inflation Reduction Act. That was huge. But I can’t turn a blind eye on the travesty that is the Gaza genocide. It’s not just a continuation of US foreign policy. But maybe our foreign policy wouldn’t be so awful if people like you didn’t just shrug.

        • mozz
          03 months ago

          I’m just gonna refer you to this thread; I had this conversation already today. Those comments rebut your claim that I’m “turning a blind eye” (at least as far as my comments on Lemmy, for whatever they’re worth), and the links in them contain some rebuttals for your ideas about what’s happening in Gaza being 100% Biden’s fault. Some percent yes, on that we’ll agree if on basically nothing else about this.

            13 months ago

            I’m glad to hear you share (some of) my dissapointment with Biden. It’s so nice to find some common ground in a conversation on here, I’m not going to try to pick a further fight. Have a good day

      84 months ago

      It really looks like he’s about to start taking concrete actions, you’re perfectly correct in criticizing how long this took but in the past few days he’s started the floating harbor plan and is probably going to come down hard on Netanyahu. Skepticism is fair, but everything is currently moving in the right direction.

        44 months ago

        Maybe if there wasn’t an 80 year old Zionist in the Whitehouse things wouldnt take a fortnight to ponder.

          144 months ago

          Yup, we’d sure as hell have boots on the ground delivering aide if it was Bernie in office, but it seems like Biden is reading the writing on the wall.

            4 months ago

            Yeah it’s too bad it took him 30000 dead brown people to start to maybe consider maybe asking Netanyahu to tone it down a little. So progressive

            Edit: You know what, for the sake of clarity, it wasn’t the dead brown people that made him reconsider, it was the fact that it might cost him some votes in Michigan.

      • NoneOfUrBusiness
        04 months ago

        He’s not doing anything though. The air drops are literally useless (some of the meals were even expired), and the port is gonna take two months, which is too late to save anyone unless aid arrives by truck. If he really wants to do anything he could just force Netanyahu to allow in aid.

        03 months ago

        I’m seeing 10-year-old walking skeletons on Instagram, but in two months Butcher Biden will finish building his floating harbor.

      4 months ago

      Yeah but he was caught in this totally unscripted “hot mic” event looking like he’s going to do something. Thats all he needs to do for the sycophants to swoon over him.

      Fuck the 30,000 dead, its Dark Brandon time baby. He’s totally gonna one day do something to stop what he is already doing for Israel!

          4 months ago

          Do you hear them now say shit about the cease fire that was totally going to happen by tomorrow or what ever it was he was saying for weeks?

          As soon as the dates over, they move on. There will be no backpedalling or giving a shit they were wrong, it’s MAGA level cultism going on. They’re always right and infallible, any criticism is Russian shills trying to sow division, &tc.

          It’s ramped up so much on Lemmy the past few weeks, that I feel we must’ve attracted the attention of some astro-turfing. So yay we’re in the big league now I guess?

            94 months ago

            Yeah it’s fucking wild to see. Like yeah I get it, the lesser of two evils yadda yadda. You don’t deserve to be a country anymore when you’ve reached the point when the lesser of two evils is outpacing Conservatives on oil production and tripping over itself to aid in a blatent genocide. Fuck off with that shit.