There’s discussion on pineapplemachine’s instance about the questionable moderating practices on

I joined sopuli especifically due to not wanting to associate with that kind of practices as I really believe there should be a minimum freedom to criticise any government’s actions. Is my belief compatible with this instance or should I think about self hosting?

So far I’m liking it here a lot.

    • @_ed
      1 year ago

      To provide context the devs have stated openly the instance is not a flagship instance and is specifically a leftist foss community (Also why it isn’t in the recommended instances in the join-lemmy site. )

      It’s fortunate that you can see how things work then move to another instance but still sub back to the communities you like, if lemmy main isn’t your bag.

      • QuentinCallaghanMA
        81 year ago

        And to add, the developers themselves expressed interest in providing hosting temporarily for a mainstream or liberal instance.