Since some weeks I’m also getting an error in NewPipe/PipePipe, that my IP is temporarily blocked at YouTube - although I usually can just immediately resume and only get the error in the middle of the video like once or twice
Anyone else - and especially maybe with a solution?
Since some weeks I’m also getting an error in NewPipe/PipePipe, that my IP is temporarily blocked at YouTube - although I usually can just immediately resume and only get the error in the middle of the video like once or twice
Anyone else - and especially maybe with a solution?
Happens to me every now and then with FreeTube. Usually gets fixed with updates.
Surprisingly, haven’t seen that with FreeTube
But I use my mobile client much more than FreeTube on my PC…
Hopefully we can still find a way around
Although, maybe it’s time to sever the ties and just move to PeerTube - which would mean, that the will need to also produce some content
Best you can do is ask the channels you follow, to also post on PeerTube.
Although I don’t really follow any specific channels, that’s probably a very good approach