The flak canon was a ton of fun, but I have a special fondness for the slime gun. Primary fire leaving a bunch of slime balls around was hilarious, as was running around with the secondary charged up, just hoping to run face first into someone and fire it at point-blank range, killing you both. Strategic or tactically sound? No. But hilarious.
I’m kinda torn between Unreal Tournament’s (ut99) sniper rifle, flak cannon and the instagib variant of the shock rifle.
Definitely the flak cannon. But I also really liked th3 disk gun, especially the sound of disks flying past you.
Flak cannon all the way, but I spent many days in high school instagibbing my friends so the shock rifle does hold a special place in my heart.
The flak canon was a ton of fun, but I have a special fondness for the slime gun. Primary fire leaving a bunch of slime balls around was hilarious, as was running around with the secondary charged up, just hoping to run face first into someone and fire it at point-blank range, killing you both. Strategic or tactically sound? No. But hilarious.