The shink ray from Duke Nukem 3D was a delight to use in deathmatches. Shrink your opponent and squish 'em!
I’ve spent a lot of time with Halo 3’s Battle Rifle, it remains a favorite to this day and I was overjoyed when I finally got to combine it with a mouse
a pretty modern and mundane response but at the moment, the RM68 in Battlefield 2042. mostly because of the odd sound it makes and how solid the hit markers for it feel. it’s certainly not the best gun in the game (or any game) but it’s just nice.
I hacked the Super Shotgun in Quake II to autorepeat quickly and take clips up to 999 large instead of 20 at a time.
Gibs the Makron in about five seconds. (No not that French geezer.)
Edit: oh yeah, I did the same with the rocket launcher too. I’m not sure which of those two is my favourite.
The Seeker from Singularity is greatly under appreciated like the whole. It fires a steerable bullet and slows time down while doing so.
BTW, any smart asses that want to go “Well Ackchyually” that the gun shoots the whole bullet with the casing, it’s based on gyrojet guns.
The “huntsman” bow and arrow for the sniper in TF2.
AA12 in Killing Floor
The Farsight in Perfect Dark. Alas, I’ll never be as good with it like I was back in high school.
Probably an unpopular opinion, but the Magnum in L4D2. For whatever reason, it’s the most satisfying gun I’ve used in any game - the weight, action, recoil and sound all come together in a perfect package.
Yeah, that gun rocks. The magnum in Black Mesa is also pretty great, and probably based on the same feel.
Your comment just made me realize that I bought Black Mesa awhile back and never got around to playing it. Thanks for resurrecting a forgotten piece of my Steam library, kind stranger!
Have fun, it’s fantastic!
Stuff that makes enemies explode in 1 hit, like bfg10k or the sniper ray in quake 3. As for more absurd things, armed and dangerous had shark guns, reverse gravity gun and others
Railgun, Quake II.
Rocket launcher, Quake III
ASMD, Unreal/Unreal Tournament
Any good stake weapons (Painkiller, FEAR?).
Damn I remember crouching on painkiller so I could stake enemies to the ceiling
Lol, same
I was hoping someone would mention the disc launcher!
We used to play the shareware version on the school computers whenever we had free time. Shazbot!
We still playin its free now
In one match I got two air disc kills over 300m. I was a god damn sniper with that thing.
A feel-good lifetime memory!
M1 Garand in the old Call of Duty games.
Love me a quick single shot rifle and the iconic ping sound when it reloads is just chef’s kiss
I loved the kar98k even more. My friend and I would one v one on small maps only using this weapon. So much fun. And the single player sniper missions with it were great.
oof good answer
Flak cannon from unreal tournament 2004.
Having a shotgun and a long range AOE explosive round was just too much fun.
Flak cannon on original UT was better, by my opinion.
I’m a 93 baby. 2004 2as my first unreal game. I never went back and played the original sadly.
The Cerebral Bore from Turok 3, Shadows of Oblivion.
Honestly the whole weapon set was super unique and fun for deathmatch. Too bad the recent remake excluded multiplayer entirely… I’m still very sour about it.
The split screen multiplayer where one person would be a monkey while the others hunted it was so much fun. I can see the cerebral bore squirting monkey brains so clearly in my mind.
It was in Turok 2 too!
And Rage Wars.
I definitely read that as Turok Tutu
That’s Turok 4
Came here looking for this
That’s a deep cut and I’m so glad you said it