high-fps abuse looks GREAT! I honestly thought the SDL sourceport (?) that’s existed for years already had that, but apparently not.
Might have to revisit the game at some point
The worst kind of an Internet-herpaderp. Internet-urpo pahimmasta päästä.
high-fps abuse looks GREAT! I honestly thought the SDL sourceport (?) that’s existed for years already had that, but apparently not.
Might have to revisit the game at some point
Nope, never* have, never* will.
* until stated otherwise
hand holding
what manner of degeneracy is this
I’ve played 2k21 and 2k23, both pretty fine for casual/beer golfing with friends while absolutely trash talking to them in voice chat. It’s pretty great… but:
The absolutely only reason I got 2k23 was because the 2k21 had stayed full price ever after the 2k23 released, so those of my friend group who didn’t already have the game didn’t (understandably) want to cough up 60-70€ for the game. Once 2k23 got a reasonable sale, we all got that as it was more affordable - but functionally identical to the older game.
I’m going to assume the same pattern will repeat, and it’s only because of the in-game mtx which they want you to buy AGAIN, for basically the same game but with different number in the title. To my beer-gaming group the mtx stuff is entirely irrelevant, we just play with whatever gear the game gave us from the get go, this isn’t equipment-race.
Well, it’s a gametype/genre I tend to enjoy greatly - so I can probably overlook quite a bit of jank/issues/whatevs and still get some enjoyment out of it. First round was the “blind go”, second round I wanted to see what can be done differently and what kinds of different outcomes there are. IIRC not much changes when doing stuff differently. Admittedly the second round around was bit of a slog - I think I played it through, but not 100% of it.
To me the “okay” means more of a “more fun than not”. The game isn’t great by any means, but it’s not also off-putting to play, but I don’t feel like I need to re-install the game ever again. Also, the game isn’t terribly long either.
But, opinions, everybody has them. :)
I thought it was okay, though not without it’s issues. The itemization (everything being “standard -> better -> betterer -> best”) and the size of the playable areas were kinda weak.
IIRC Finished the main game twice, couldn’t be arsed with the dlc though.
kinda sounds like The Outer Worlds, in a way. Which is kinda the feel I got from some youtube videos I watched about the game. Got to wonder how on earth the current 70€ pricetag is in any way justified.
Oh well, wishlistforgotten, maybe some sale notification at some point comes a long
Played this ages ago when it was in closed-beta. It was… okay-ish? Hella grindy tho. Decided to wait a bit until they did more to the game, only for the game to go behind epic (IIRC) - and now I see a steam forums post it’s going bye-bye? It moved to steam at some point? O_o
I guess the grindy game was pretty hard sell considering Monster Hunter exists.
I’m not trying to bust your chops or anything.
didn’t take it as such, no worries. We cool? :)
And I bet the whole “'murica” stuff is quiiite a bit more prevalent.
Aaaaanyhoo, feels like these kinda drunklol games are pretty much just youtuber/streamer-bait for cheap giggles - and I do watch quite a bit of gaming content so these things are kinda inescapable. Oh well. Old man yells at cloud. :P
Just because “when finland -> lol alcoholism”, I get that it’s a self-deprecating joke and all that, but… we could have other jokes too, maybe? :P
I don’t mind the games, let peeps have their fun.
edit: what I called “weird”, is probably better put as “…this thing, again”. I guess.
well, ofc I can only speak on my own point of view, as a finn, the fairly prominent “lol drunk” -memery in games feels a bit weird. If that was what you were asking.
So many “drinking-games”: Obenseuer, Finnish Cottage simulator, My Summer Car, Finnish Cabin Mayhem/Mökkimähinä… probably forgetting a few… and now Drunkard Simulator and Last Drop?
Self-deprecating humor and all that, but… this starts to feel a bit weird :|
about the spacebar:
about via:
if you can flash it with a firmware which supports vial, it might provide a better customization experience. edit: linky: https://get.vial.today/
tbh, that’s quite a bit more than what I would have expected - especially for a game what I thought was more or less a counter-strike variant where the whole point is the pvp experience.
So… I’m completely outsider to this game (and series), and… is there actually much lore/story to these characters - or better yet, lore/story that anyone cares for or matters for the game?
I get that the date is a bit unfortunate all things considered, but… why do the character need to have a stated birthday anyway? Are there in-game birthday parties or what?
zstd is generally stupidly fast and quite efficient.
probably not exactly how steam does it, or even close, but as a quick & dirty comparison: compressed and decompressed a random CD.iso (~375 MB) I had laying about, using zstd and lzma, using 1MB dictitionary:
test system: Arch linux (btw, as is customary) laptop with AMD Ryzen 7 PRO 7840U cpu.
used commands & results:
# compress (--maxdict 1048576 - sets the used compression dictionary to 1MB) :
% time zstd --maxdict 1048576 < DISC.ISO > DISC.zstd
zstd --maxdict 1048576 < DISC.ISO > DISC.zstd 1,83s user 0,42s system 120% cpu 1,873 total
# decompress:
% time zstd -d < DISC.zstd > /dev/null
zstd -d < DISC.zstd > /dev/null 0,36s user 0,08s system 121% cpu 0,362 total
So, pretty quick all around.
# compress (the -1e argument implies setting preset which uses 1MB dictionary size):
% time lzma -1e < DISC.ISO > DISC.lzma
lzma -1e < DISC.ISO > DISC.lzma 172,65s user 0,91s system 98% cpu 2:56,16 total
% time lzma -d < DISC.lzma > /dev/null
lzma -d < DISC.lzma > /dev/null 4,37s user 0,08s system 98% cpu 4,493 total
This one felt like forever to compress.
So, my takeaway here is that the time cost to compress is enough to waste a bit of disk space for sake of speed.
and lastly, just because I was curious, ran zstd on max compression settings too:
% time zstd --maxdict 1048576 -9 < DISC.ISO > DISC.2.zstd
zstd --maxdict 1048576 -9 < DISC.ISO > DISC.2.zstd 10,98s user 0,40s system 102% cpu 11,129 total
% time zstd -d < DISC.2.zstd > /dev/null
zstd -d < DISC.2.zstd > /dev/null 0,47s user 0,07s system 111% cpu 0,488 total
~11s compression time, ~0.5s decompression, archive size was ~211 MB.
deemed it wasn’t nescessary to spend time to compress the archive with lzma’s max settings.
Now I’ll be taking notes when people start correcting me & explaining why these “benchmarks” are wrong :P
goofed a bit with the max compression settings, added the same dictionary size.
edit 2: one of the reasons for the change might be syncing files between their servers. IIRC zstd can be compressed to be “rsync compatible”, allowing partial file syncs instead of syncing entire file, saving in bandwidth. Not sure if lzma does the same.
I’ll preface this with the fact that I don’t know the game, but looking at the system requirements on steam, both of those systems are below minimum spec.
Also, it would probably help if the macbook actually was on fedora 41, it reads 40 in the screenshot - so maybe try upgrading that one, since the game runs on the system with actual fedora 41?
names of games I didn’t expect to hear to day. Only had Major Stryker shareware as a kid, played it a lot, along with Duke Nukum and some other old SW games.
But those games on massive tv? Pixels the size of cats.
Were you using any crt shaders or such?
doesn’t seem like it was all that popular game to begin with, so all things considered the number of affected users is likely to be like, 10 at best? And some of those are likely affiliated with the dev/publisher anyway.
But it sucks that these things still can get through the sieve to begin with :/
I’m kinda torn between Unreal Tournament’s (ut99) sniper rifle, flak cannon and the instagib variant of the shock rifle.