Its probably debatable how accurate it is but as for Japan it makes sense as an Average if a lot of people work part time or very little while other people work a lot more.
I remember a demographic study a few years back about qol negative correlation with average workweek and one of the top hours worked was over 70 in singapore.
Surprised to see Japan at ~40
It’s the salarymen that work themselves to death. There are specific companies that have horrendous work culture, but many others that do not.
Work themselves to death doing fake work because looking busy is more important than being productive.
Well that goes without saying ofc lol
Its probably debatable how accurate it is but as for Japan it makes sense as an Average if a lot of people work part time or very little while other people work a lot more.
I remember a demographic study a few years back about qol negative correlation with average workweek and one of the top hours worked was over 70 in singapore.