I like the look of Syphon, but it’s in alpha

  • Chris Remington
    31 year ago

    Beeper is a unified chat application (all your chats in one app). I was on the beta testing team. It was a subscription service for a little while but now it is free. It’s the only chat client I use since it integrates almost all chat networks.

    • Gloating SwannOP
      41 year ago

      It looks like they’re going to start charging sometime this year? This awakens my inner cheapskate until I remember that I’m happily paying for tutanota and mullvad, and that that’s what (hopefully!) eliminates their need to spy on their users and monetize all your data. Will definitely have a look🙂👍️

      • Chris Remington
        31 year ago

        It looks like they’re going to start charging sometime this year?

        Not exactly. Beeper will remain free to everyone. Also, they do not collect users personal data, nor spy etc. However, there will be a paid premium version of Beeper some time in the future.