Finally admits it after screaming Russian propaganda hih?

      101 year ago

      You cannot target Russian DNA. For starters, it’s very similar to Ukrainian DNA…

        21 year ago

        It is functionally identical, given the close recent history between the two countries. For that matter, all humans are close, especially at a population level. People are trying to make this too complicated. Conventional weapons are perfectly capable of doing massive damage to an army without insane amounts of collateral damage, both to civilians and allies.

      31 year ago

      Ok, I should have been more specific: the way it is often framed (and the way I have seen it framed, and how the linked article frames it) is as if these were US-affiliated labs working on bioweapons. That is not what Nuland said. Biological research facilities do not have to be bioweapons labs, just as explosives research facilities need not be arms manufacturers.

      Greenwald (the author of the linked article) of course does what Greenwald recently is hell-bent on doing, which is to try to scandalize anything he can. I used to respect the man, but that was a long while ago.