In defiance of Israel’s weekend attack against Yemen’s Hodeida port, a Yemeni military source tells MintPress that the Yemeni army will continue to respond to Israel’s genocide in Gaza, no matter the price for Yemen.

  • WatDabney
    2 months ago

    So Israel is currently, in addition to carrying out a genocide in Gaza and an incremental and violent land grab in the West Bank, trying to start wars with four different neighbors - Lebanon, Iran, Syria and Yemen.

    It’s as if it’s not even enough for them to be a rogue state - they want to be the roguest state.

      2 months ago

      Theres been a lot of inflammatory rhetoric coming from USA politicians on media about those countries. Crying about how Assad is a dictator and how Yemen and Iran are threats to american democracy/security somehow (theyre gonna attack!!!). Its really mind boggling, some people still blame these countries for 9/11 for no reason other than then being Arab.

      • WatDabney
        2 months ago

        I’m reasonably certain that the fundamental goal of US Middle East policy is destabilization.

        For example, the amount of saber-rattling US politicisns do in regard to Iran appears to be inversely proportional to the actual threat it poses. When the hard-liners are in power, the US generally backs off and focuses elsewhere, but then when reformists gain power and it starts looking like Iran might settle down and stabilize a bit, suddenly the US government starts up another hue and cry about the threat it supposedly poses, which gives the hard-liners just the angle they need to take power again, at which point the US stops focusing on Iran again.

        I presume it’s a hegemonic strategy. Stable and well-governed Middle East nations, with the sort of wealth they possess, could pose a threat to western hegemony, while unstable and poorly governed ones can’t.