I was re-watching few of the Thought Emporium videos and got the urge to do it. He made GMO yeast for making bread (“golden bread”). And as one genecist told in interview I listened to long time ago - Most of the GMO techniques are so simple that you can do them in kitchen.
So picking strain of yeast that doesn’t drop out easily from the beer, commercially available DNA marker and mush them together.
It will still be some time before I brew. But I start to think about GMO yeast that can produce some fluorescent color. It would be cool to have some hazy beer under blue light…
Certainly not legal in EU but I think that it can be done pretty easily.
No, most people are pragmatic in this case and eastern countries changed from Russian ~30 years ago so another change isn’t coming any time soon.
As my parents saw the change from “it is really appreciated that you can speak English” to “it is expected that you can use it”. I can tell that it is so engrained in our multinational exchange that it won’t be even desirable.
You know in regards to foreign policy of US it is happening for long time, at least since 90’s. What Trump does right now just makes this stuff really obvious for ordinary people.
From my point of view as a foreigner the US political system is broken and nobody tried to correct it so this was only matter of time. And yes when something like this happens most people just want to get by.
Literally me few months ago…
::: spoiler: reality My boss liquidated his business and I decided to travel. :::
The exploding kittens have in the rules that you should first play it without the combo kittens and after few games introduce these rules.
So I guess that they just didn’t bothered looking again at the rules after the first few rounds.
When I think about it it may had exactly opposite effect, so much parties stayed under the 5% threshold that 1 000 000 votes didn’t mattered.
Yes you read it right 1/10 of our country’s votes fell through without making any difference. (The ratio is probably worse because not everyone is eligible to vote).
Look at last parliamentary election in CZ.
By increasing attendance by few percent we got rid of communist party which was in parliament from 1945…
Why I am not surprised that it came from CrackerMilk…
I think you are missing about ⅓ of guitar.
Yes it is quite nice. The natural park also, I just rode through it though,
I got a tip from some girl who was there during some horse event, seeing photos of these streets full of horses just make me to go there.
There is a cheese in my country- olomoucké tvarůžky, which is in itself acquired taste.
But I made “Loštický zázrak” which is this cheese pickled in beer, as a homebrewer I used half fermented beer. So smelly cheese fermented with beer.
You can smell this concoction in whole house when the jar was opened, but the taste was amazing.
For my kind of traveling it just isn’t enough. I want to be on my bike in nature, explore historic city center, I just travel through everything. So even in Europe it is sometimes rough (I am looking at you EV 8/1 route to Huelva) and in US it seems borderline impossible.
I may change my mind someday but for now there are different places I want to go.
To be fair, I don’t find the US that appealing. Politics is one thing, the car culture is another that really puts me off.
I know people who cycled to Romania from CZ. In CZ I can get you general tips and few routes I did and regions I am more familiar.
But as I am on tour I won’t be seeing them for at least 5 months.
Both of them? They made game for each election.
If you are interested in foreign politics:
You had to get our former president and ruzzian asset to vote.
I had to take train to Guadalajara, when I tried to ride from Madrid I nearly ended up on highway… So I probably ride quite similar route.
And after I had few really cold nights I just took the shortest route to coast. So I missed Teruel, but to be fair I will definitely return to Spain someday. First I have to learn some Spanish, it is rough to talk through mobile translation.
You can look through the mastodon! I post there more it is better for regular brain diarrhea posting …
Pretty good, yes the English is bit non existent there and I liked a bit more Portugal in this.
I left Spain yesterday and now heading to Paris.