Was toon town on the other side? Or possibly did you pass a 50s car with a guy on a hoverboard trailing it?
It is probably not visible on this picture but there was long tunnel leading to this tunnel with 30m brake. So I called this photo “light at the end of a tunnel, and another tunnel”
Where is this tunnel?
Seriously. This is like posting a picture of a safe and then not telling us what’s inside.
Maybe this: https://maps.app.goo.gl/UZJfPLjtXv68BzUz7
45.5162503, 13.5992624
You get at least the continent right. It is on GreenWay on Grandia-Alicante EV 8 route. There are about 5km of different tunnels this one is near Alcoy.
So somewhere here https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=12%2F38.6801%2F-0.4840&layers=C
There is one exactly like it at Snoqualmie Pass in Washington State, US
The truth is that the tunnel posted this.
this tunnel was made for me
Was it silent as you rode through it?
This one was pretty quiet but it is heavily used route so in other tunnels we’re people.
There’s no earthly way of knowing / Which direction we are going
Damnit OP we have questions!
Now THAT is a perfect fit for the comm!
Right? It gets old looking at 40 ft of hotel hallways. Like, not even particularly long ones.
Wow. Very cool. I see no graffiti. No garbage. No police call-boxes. Is it used by the public do people not suck where this is?