Das ist sicherlich nicht besser, nein.
Revolutionary from Vienna (*1827 †1883)
Das ist sicherlich nicht besser, nein.
We have them in at least one city in Austria (Linz), although it’s only one or two bus lines out of a few dozen I think.
Gute Aktion!
Only buy foods you have to prepare, no snacks
That doesn’t count for fruits and stuff like carrots
Sie hat schließlich am wenigsten Zeit von allen
Verständlich. Sie lebt ja auch nicht mehr so lang, da ist man dann oft mal im Stress.
Also, for mobile there’s revanced.
A bundle of rods. Krampus uses it to spank the unruly children.
Pistacchio and Stracciatella of course.
I’m on a 9 week holiday right now.
Like when an old disgusting man makes a disgusting joke about “wife bad” and looks at you with an “am I right or what?”-look. Last time that happened (it was a work colleague) I felt weirdly validated in my manlihood and felt like I’m part of the in group (I’m a cis man, but considerably younger that the other guy, and I was new in that place of work), while at the same time wishing that guy would just disappear into thin air. Disgusting feeling.
Lyme disease is the lesser problem. Where I live, a large amount of ticks carry a virus that causes encephalitis. Luckily I’m vaccinated against it, but many people aren’t.
This very OP has already posted some antisemitic shit on here
Yeah I got the Austrian-wide ticket, bc I go to Linz a lot. If I need a car I can borrow or rent one. Still is so much cheaper thann owning one
You see, the thing is, when you went to bed they hadn’t counted all the votes yet. And they didn’t stop counting just because you went to bed.
It’s also an illusion when it’s all controlled by the centralized dictatorship.
Yeah… Could we please not post antisemitic dogwhistles on here?
Und eine Nähe zur FPÖ. Diese Truppe wurde auf Betreiben der Linzer FPÖ überhaupt eingeführt. Wozu die wirklich gut sind weiß bis heute aber niemand.
Insofern ist das Wording in der Stellenausschreibung nicht verwunderlich.