Slightly blurred tail from excited wagging? :3
Just a little guy interested in videogames, reading, technology and the environment.
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Slightly blurred tail from excited wagging? :3
I guess there aren’t many older games because it’s a list of games that are available on current hardware. Those older games that do appear are there because they’ve been ported/emulated.
I’m not sure if it has Autumn/Fall vibes, but I’m tempted to get Slime Rancher 2. I guess it’s appropriate for harvest season, as you’re farming and harvesting slimes? Something about it (at least I got this impression from the first game) feels cosy and perfect to play while the days get colder.
Yesss Crosscode is incredible. The soundtrack, visuals, puzzles - just a great package overall and it has stuck with me fondly. Can’t wait for the dev’s next game.
What an interesting concept for a game! Reminds me of Before Your Eyes, in which you have to keep your eyes open - but quite the opposite in this case.
Will check this one out.
Well yeah, but also a bit more than that - even after growing up, does society itself have some impact? Even if someone was raised really well, I feel like they could change over time depending on what society tells them is appropriate.
Interesting idea… Is human morality (in situations where no punishment exists) a result of the societies we live in and our societal expectations, our upbringing, or is there some inherent morality (guilt from doing something bad, or satisfaction from doing the right thing) within most people?
Whilst I do live somewhere that has trolleys with coins, sometimes you get one that is damaged and doesn’t require a coin. Yet I still return those ones, because why wouldn’t I? It only takes a minute.
Speaking of classics I have just now finished The Idiot by Dostoevsky. I think I need some time to process it! It felt like a commentary on the changing society of the time, and how a perfectly innocent and loving person couldn’t survive said society. More than anything the book seemed like a vessel for Dostoevsky to share various ideas and philosophies.
Yeah I was thinking the same! Very talented
Ahh right thanks for confirming. When I last moved to beta, none of the buttons would work and I could only use the touchscreen. I thought that was quite odd considering beta seemed to work fine for others. Any idea what could’ve caused that?
Is there a way to do a clean installation of the OS without wiping all your downloads? I’d be tempted to do this as I think compound updates over the last two years have caused a few issues (I’ve got the original steam deck)
Debug sounds interesting. Looking at the website, it sounds like it focuses on upcoming indie games? Is it long form content, or mostly previews/reviews?
Oh neat, that’s one I’ve never really considered but it sounds ideal!
I hadn’t considered the BBC ones, that’s a good suggestion. I like the sound of Prospect, but unfortunately it doesn’t appear to be available via my library - perhaps once to buy physically if I see it around. Thank you!
Yes my local library does have PressReader and I was thinking of checking out the magazines that way like you say :) There are a huge number of options on there though!
It’s a shame that Retrogamer has fallen in quality. Do you know of any other gaming magazines that have pieces worth reading?
At first glance I was convinced that these were either coffee beans or popcorn
Yeahhh the boss fights weren’t that great - just dodge attacks, fire, repeat. I did enjoy the final boss though!
That sounds really fun! The combat in the game feels best when each hit hits hard. So satisfying
Funnily enough I was looking to try one of the recent Assassin Creed games (Black Flag was my last). I heard good things about AC Odyssey, but it also sounded a bit overwhelming in its scale. Ghost of Tsushima perfectly filled this niche and was way better than any AC game I’d played before - I’m really glad I gave it a go!
So apparently this is something to do with a series called Kamen Rider and a character’s phone from it??
Edit: the phone is also a gun?