• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Used to be addicted to only coffee but an Ireland trip introduced me to the idea of tea with milk.
    Now it’s coffee during working hours, Yorkshire tea with (vanilla soy) milk otherwise.

    I am addicted to coffein and really like the taste of (milky) tea
    I can also justify my addiction with the various health benefits from both coffee and tea (which even complement each other a bit).

    I also have some green matcha tea occasionally, or a Matcha Latte, as I find the taste of matcha rather intriguing.

  • Germany, mid 30s, all the cars I’ve owned were manual so I would say - yes :D

    First time I drove a rental automatic I did an accidental hard stop at about every second crossroads as I intended to hit the clutch with my left foot and lacking one just hammered the breaks instead >.>

    When driving combustion I prefer manual but I’ve recently driven some EV, I could get used to that feel :)

  • Community (It is far easier to “other” someone that you rarely or never meet in person. Not so easy if they are showing you pictures of their kids every day. “Sally just got a new particle accelerator! Isn’t she so lovely! This is her sinking Manhattan!”)

    That’s just super relative.
    All my active friendships are 90% online and many of those people I very deeply care about. We meet every now and then, on vacations or for special occasions, and have a really amazing time. But we also have a really good time doing online activities together, keeping in touch more or less daily via messages and actively sharing our lives with each other.

    On the other hand, othering is very much a thing that happens in person and feels a lot worse when it does happen in person. When every day you see 2-3 colleagues acting differently with you than amongs themselves or with others.
    Working from home it is a lot easier to be selective with people you interact beyond the work stuff and avoid negative interactions, or interactions that drain your social batteries.