Fox News has a bad rap on sites like Lemmy and Reddit for being “fake” and “too conservative.” However, they’re always reporting stuff that’s actually happening, that other news outlets seem to ignore. Like this article for example, which talks about criminals being arrested at the border, yet ignored by other news outlets. I never see news like this anywhere else, when in fact it’s actually happening. Why is that? Do news stations like CNN and MSNBC just think it’s not a big deal? Or, do they only pander to the Left, which seems to think there’s no border issues?

  • ZK686@lemmy.worldOP
    7 months ago

    But it IS in fact news right? Is it still not worth reporting? I mean, these people really were arrested, should we just not care? I mean, I like to consider myself independent and neutral in politics (although I do lean more Right, I am registered as independent) but even I think this is news worth knowing. Here’s a direct link to the incident:

    “Migrants with criminal convictions encountered by El Paso Sector agents include aggravated felons such as sex offenders, child predators and drug traffickers. Additional offenses include illegal possession of firearms, assault, domestic violence, and burglary. Some of the migrants encountered have gang or Mexican Drug Cartel affiliations.”

    • sin_free_for_00_days
      7 months ago

      It’s not news that you take a group of <x number of> people, there are going to be a subset of <x> who are criminals. Migrants, according to data, are better neighbors and citizens. But Fox selectively culls it’s reports to enforce right wing hysteria. If Fox reporting were being honest, in spirit if not letter, it would also make sure that it’s viewers knew that these immigrants, as a group, are more trustworthy and honest than the viewer’s neighbors.