• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2023

  • I grew up in Southern California, in the 90’s during peak gang culture. It wasn’t about being “cool,” it was literally about two entirely different types of cultures that hated each other. My Mexican family blamed a lot of crime and issues in their neighborhoods on blacks, and vice versa. I went to a school that had gang fights every day, blacks hated Mexicans and Mexicans hated blacks. That’s why they even go their separate ways in prison. It wasn’t about being cool, it was about survival. And that mentality is generational. My uncles fought with blacks on the streets of Southern California, and now, my cousins are doing the same. I also think it’s the “system.” It was literally stupid territory differences. It had nothing to with any kind of system, it was more about you stay where you’re at and take care of your people, and we’ll do the same…

  • Basically, BLM had the attitude of “if you’re not with us, you’re a racist.” And that was just way too extreme. Many people, including Latinos, just didn’t care, or didn’t want to get involved. When BLM started looting and burning down things in their neighborhoods, they became more angry and didn’t care even more. However, they were lumped together with everyone else as “racists” or “bigots” if they didn’t want to march hand in hand with blacks.

  • I’m 2nd generation and I disagree. My family tends to vote Republican because of their strong Catholic beliefs. My grandparents are good people, they’ve lived here for almost their entire lives (came from Mexico when they were young) and have always voted Republican because they believe the Republicans do more to protect religion. They’re not “uneducated” or “easily manipulated.” They simply think that the Left wants to take away things they have always felt very strong about, which is family and religion.

  • I’m half Mexican. Our whole lives, we’re told we MUST vote Democrat because we’re “minorities.” Growing up in Southern California, I remember, literally, being taught that we were NOT good enough to be Republicans. “Democrats are the poor people, Republicans are the rich people…” I remember my 6th grade teacher telling me this. As I got older and started thinking for myself, I realized that I can vote any way I want. It’s the Democrats that told me I couldn’t. I think more and more Latinos are starting to realize that they CAN vote Republican, and that they ARE good enough…many Latinos have very conservative views (due to Catholicism) yet, they were told they can’t vote Republican…

  • No, I think protesting is good, I support protesting many things.: Housing crisis, student loans, I’m pro-choice, so I support protesting the right to abortion for women, protest all you want if it’s going to help Americans…I just think it’s ridiculous to protest something that can’t benefit them in any way. Why aren’t these kids protesting in masses all over campuses for lower housing? Better health insurance? Lower gas prices? This Israel/Palestine conflict is beyond a bunch of middle class kids holding up signs about religious conflicts in another part of the world… it’s much deeper.

  • I hope you really don’t believe this. The US will always support Israel, it’s literally a matter of national security. There are bigger things at risk by not supporting Israel. Without US support, Israel would literally fall into “survival mode.” It would probably wipe out all of Gaza and get rid of the Palestinians just to be on the safe side. If left unprotected, the entire Middle East would attack Israel, possibly created a 3rd World War. If the US wasn’t their main support system, they’d turn to someone else, like China or Russia, who would then be their primary source for protection. What the protestors don’t understand, is that the US doesn’t give foreign aid out of the goodness of our hearts. If it’s not good for America we don’t do it. Every penny comes with strings attached. If we stop supporting Israel we will no longer have a seat at the table and leverage, among other benefits for the US. This is much more than just the Israel/Palestine conflict.