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The lives of my children are important
*eyes rising global average temperature*
You keep using that phrase, I do not think it means what you think it means.
Also what they’re saying:
The lives of my children are [more] important [than yours]
That was my takeaway as well. “The lives of my children are so important to me, I decided to become part of the problem”
The “race to the bottom” by getting bigger and bigger cars (which should also be much more heavily taxed, but aren’t).
Let’s make the cars much bigger then, so big that you can stand upright and walk through it! When they’re so big that it makes no sense for Joe Schmoe to drive it, let’s hire drivers for them. Since it makes no sense for every household to hire their own drivers, let’s pool all the houses in the neighbourhood to use the same Big Unit Suv. Since nobody needs to be in the same places at the same times, let’s run this Big Unit Suv on a schedule, where it’ll be at specific places in specific time frames. To speed it up a little, let’s redesign the doors to optimise for being able to get in and out quickly.
I just invented a bus, didn’t I?
Attach a few of those “buses” (lol such a silly name) together in line. And this - train? I dunno - long thing of “buses”, is so big, we should keep people who aren’t using this “train” (I’ll workshop that, so weird) from getting too close, maybe it runs in a specific kind of lane of its own!
I think this could work!
Let’s give your Big Unit SUV its own special roads too. Then we could attach multiples of them together to be able to fit even more people in them. We could then run electrical wires over the special roads so they wouldn’t have to carry their own power source around.
Nah, it could never be done.
Nah, doesn’t sound too ridiculous. Now, if we could expect the Big Unit SUVs to never leave the special roads, we could, for instance, use a special design of road and special design of road-vehicle interface that makes the entire thing as efficient as possible. I heard that using a hard material like steel in both the road and the wheels is a good starting point, plus it has a ton of carrying capacity, so you can make a lot of weight rest on two narrow strips of the material. Also, if these Big Unit SUVs are gonna be chained up together forever, can we make it possible that people could walk from one Big Unit SUV to the next without leaving the chain of Big Unit SUVs?
Nono, bigger cars are used to transport more important things, they should be subsidised.
The hit to society would be too great if we allowed all those fragile egos to shatter without their precious protective shells, consisting of multiple tons of gas-guzzling steel.
inb4 she runs over her own kids on the driveway because she can’t see them over the hood of that thing. (hopefully not though!)
Your children are important, the children they crush due to lack of visibility are not
If anyone doesn’t know Adam Something, his YouTube channel is fantastic. He frequently takes billionaire transportation dreams, breaks down why they’re stupid and impossible, then suggests some alterations to make it more practical. And the alterations inevitably turn it into a train.
I didn’t realize there were that many billionaire transportation ideas.
There are many, and they are stupid. Elon is at the top of the list with his fake “hyperloop” and his “not technically fake but effectively nothing boring company telsa tunnel.”
Then are are fun stupid ones like gondolas that travel at about 15ft about streets, making sure never to interfere with the mighty car. Or that super weird Chinese “drive above and around cars bus” that was doomed from the start. How about “autonomous electric rail cars that move around individually without a train engine pulling them or AI self driving taxi bullshit?”
Tons and tons of dumb bullshit that are “trains, but much much worse.”
Nothing screams safe like a solid unibody chassis with no crumple zones, a high center of gravity, terrible visibility and an ride height that forces pedestrians under the wheels in an impact. safe
Joke’s on you, the Repulsor/Impulsor does not have wheels. It levitates.
Also jokes on you, the levitation technology used is described as cracking apart the ground as it moves, and would likely do far worse to a human body than regular ass wheels would.
Never said it wouldn’t hurt.
The central turret position gives it pretty good visibility considering its size!
Anyone know how I can obtain an MRAP? I don’t trust these Yukon drivers and my kids are too important
Reminds me of this top gear episode
At least the the repulsor has an eco-friendly power plant lit with the sacred flames of mars. Honestly better than a diesel.
That’s a lot of sacred CO2 though.
Tbf I’ve had three cars totaled in accidents that were the other guys’ fault, I’d consider it.