
Eskating cyclist, gamer and enjoyer of anime. Probably an artist. Also I code sometimes, pretty much just to mod titanfall 2 tho.

Introverted, yet I enjoy discussion to a fault.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Oh yes. It is legitimate hardcore production engineering.

    If you look into it, there’s a long history of Lego going the extra mile in every way. And to protect their methods, they do stuff like burying retired manufacturing dies in the foundations of their new facilities to ensure they don’t fall into the hands of competitors for reverse engineering.

  • MentalEdgetoLEGO@lemmy.worldTIL LEGO buys back bricks with giftcards
    6 hours ago

    Pretty sure they aren’t recycled into new Lego pieces. IIRC Lego is produced using entirely or nearly entirely virgin material, as recycled plastic isn’t as high quality, and that’s something Lego is super anal about.

    But for the same reason, Lego pieces last for ages. All that is required to continue using any intact pieces, is to wash them.

    I think there was some kind of donation program that provides Lego to orphanages, daycares and hospitals. Not as sets, but more like a kilo of random pieces, which of course still means an imaginative kid can build all kinds of things.

  • You don’t.

    Better yet, how do you know any modern religion is anything like what it should be like, generations later?

    Religions seem very sure about their own teachings, even as they change. Within your own lifetime you’ve probably noticed that a priest or simply a believer you know has ended up changing their mind on something. Just a generation or two of believers and the current ones won’t be thinking and saying the kind of stuff the first ones were, and vice versa.

    One pope says nay, next one says yay. If god is speaking through them, did god change his mind? If he is, why didn’t he just get it right from the start?

    Religion isn’t like logic, which states 2+2 will always be 4. The simple passage of time and the broken telephone that is human word of mouth, means religion is incapable of staying consistent for more than about a decade, if that.

    What’s more, the religions that exist today are the ones that were the best at spreading. If a religion isn’t appealing, people don’t stick with it. So religions tend to morph and splinter, evolving into whatever is just nice enough that a bunch of people will sign up.

    They are the original meme, in the scientific sense. An infectious idea that gets recounted over an over, each person changing it slightly to be more appealing during a re-telling, empowering its spread.

  • MentalEdgetoComic Strips@lemmy.worldEinstein and God
    12 hours ago

    But in what way is it supposed to be funny?

    This just seems to comment on religion, but it doesn’t do so in a way that makes any sense.

    It seems to poke fun at god… But it does it with literally zero teeth.

    There are much more valid paradoxes to point out in the imaginary idea of a god, an “omnipotent all-powerful force for good” cannot exist in a world where evil exists, or that force is either not good, not omnipotent, or not all-powerful.

  • I personally think the “how good is it” part of “advertising” should literally just be a percentage value of “how many existing customers say it was worth it”.

    But even that would get gamed the way 5/5 amazon reviews can be bought today already.

    So maybe it should really just be “it’s a insert thing made out of insert material produced in insert country by insert labour conditions and it costs insert price”.