• Helix
    3 years ago

    what’s the difference to regular world news? Are news something political? Shouldn’t they be properly researched anyway?

    • ghost_laptop
      133 years ago

      well, tbh all news outlets will have a political bias, capitalists news will be in favour of capitalism and vice versa.

        • @nutomic@lemmy.mlM
          123 years ago

          You talk a lot about authoritarian countries, but simply dismiss anyone who disagrees with your opinion, as if you are somehow infallible. I think the idea that everyone should think exactly like you is in fact much more authoritarian. Dont you believe that everyone is entitled to their own opinion? Or is that only if they agree with you?

          • @soferman@lemmy.mlOP
            -133 years ago

            Not every opinion is as legitimate as others. And yours is definitely not lol at least in my opinion. But I wouldn’t be alone in thinking that, at least outside Lemmy.

            • @nutomic@lemmy.mlM
              163 years ago

              So you would say that your opinion is superior to mine, because people in your surroundings agree with you? It might surprise you to hear this, but people in my surroundings also agree with me, but for me that isnt a reason to claim superiority. Would you really prefer if Lemmy was an echo chamber where everyone thinks just like you?

              • @TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.ml
                43 years ago

                This chap believes all people are equal but some people are more equal than others. And if anyone questions them, they will dismiss others with some goal shifting, generalised labelling or ignorant handwaving.

                • Helix
                  23 years ago

                  This chap believes all people are equal but some people are more equal than others.

                  Both chaps do, actually 😉

              • @soferman@lemmy.mlOP
                -113 years ago

                I’d consider my stance on a lot of things more reputable and more within reason than yours, yes.

                • DessalinesM
                  83 years ago

                  In one of your earlier comments, you laughed at the notion of western propaganda. Do you believe that western sources / media are more reputable than others?

                • Helix
                  53 years ago

                  this is probably exactly the kind of comments you have been banned for. Your view is not superior to others. You have a different opinion and can’t accept it.

                  Coincidentally, the admin can’t accept your opinion either.

        • @jazzfes@lemmy.ml
          3 years ago

          Come on, mate. Saying “Non-capitalist outlets defend authoritarian regimes and push conspiracies” hardly matches your mission statement from your sub:

          This group is meant as a companion-piece to the !worldnews community and act as a productive and useful addition to the “lemmyverse” as resource for discovering world news.

          You might be concerned about this becoming a echo-chamber, which we are painfully aware and concerned about. We can’t claim to be perfect ideal people or guaranty that this will be a perfect community for world news.

          But gosh darn we will try out best!"

          Bashing alternative views surely isn’t your best, no?

          • @soferman@lemmy.mlOP
            3 years ago

            I don’t get what you are trying to communicate. Could you explain it differently?

            • @jazzfes@lemmy.ml
              3 years ago

              Your grandparent comment:

              And others will defend authoritarian regimes and push conspiracies.

              basically says “non-capitalist outlets defend authoritarian regimes …”. I think that’s bashing anything non-capitalist / tilting towards propaganda and believe systems. There are many non-capitalist arguments that don’t have anything to do with authoritarian regimes or conspiracy theories.

              Your mission statement says that you want to be productive and avoid becoming an echo chamber.

              Those two statements don’t align as far as I’m concerned, since you basically set yourself up as an echo chamber.

              • @soferman@lemmy.mlOP
                -83 years ago

                Well, I beg to differ. But that is your opinion and I respect that regardless of how misrepresented I feel about how you portray my position.

          • Helix
            -13 years ago

            Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry, Logic, the scientific method,…

              • Helix
                03 years ago

                The point is, politics are in attached to anything within a society and present in places we wouldn’t think they were - including in our thinking and discourse.

                I agree, to a certain extent. Usually the natural sciences affect policy and politics and not the other way round. You can’t change the laws of physics just by wishful thinking and issuing a decree things are falling upwards into the sky from now on. You can’t make 2+2=5, even if you’re living in the current year of 1984.

    • @TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.ml
      3 years ago

      Imperialist capitalist echo chamber with MBFC “fact checker” as arbiter of truths is the difference.

      This comment utterly destroyed and left MBFC credibility limping: https://lemmy.ml/post/68185/comment/57988

      Personally I will not even touch this sub with a 100 foot pole. I love critical thinking and educating people. Everyone has freedom though lol

  • @quiteStraightEdge@lemmy.ml
    63 years ago

    Hm… I don’t agree with making c/ about one sided news, but I feel that ton of comments and votes casted here are biased. I don’t see anything terrible here… I’m not sure what liberal world news are… but I’m sure a lot of people here feel attacked by this opposite opinion, or world view that OP maybe represents.

    Whole above thread doesn’t look like a perfect debate about if such community is right, more like “We are more right than you”.

    I think that such c/ could be bad overall, so I’m more or less against it. As my main argument I will just say that world news are world news, and all news/photos links should be there so we all can get a view on an event from as many points of view as possible. I hope OP sees it as I do, or has arguments for this community. I can’t see them. I was trying to look at it like sport related c/, for example like a fanpage for a sports team. But sport is a hobby, what happens in the world and our correct understanding of it is on whole anothet level.

    • Helix
      13 years ago

      As my main argument I will just say that world news are world news, and all news/photos links should be there so we all can get a view on an event from as many points of view as possible.

      It’s hard to discuss stuff on !worldnews when you’re banned on !worldnews. This is a pissing match between people who don’t like each other and soferman is losing because the other side is an admin.

      • @quiteStraightEdge@lemmy.ml
        33 years ago

        Other admins should come and give their opinions on if soferman did break any rules or is there just too many emotions. I would probably unban him, but I’m not admining here so maybe I don’t know something/the full story. He got many downvotes, but I’m not sure why, but it seems that there are people that agree with admin.

    • @soferman@lemmy.mlOP
      3 years ago

      After making this group I got banned from worldnews. This happened just a few hours ago.

      Link: https://lemmy.ml/post/68576

      I wasn’t the one who took the initiative to make this group. The other mod did, and I thought I’d help with setting up icon, header and some of the stuff. Also filling up the feed. And as every ‘western’ post who brings criticism towards Russia or China it gets bogged down by people who think it is a conspiracy.

      I kind of hate to plaster ‘liberal’ to anything. It’s kind of cringe. But in this context it makes sense, and in retrospect I’m glad it exists.

      • @quiteStraightEdge@lemmy.ml
        13 years ago

        Well, I did read that. I don’t agree still with this group topic/theme/name. If you can’t get to a conclusion within a group, you don’t make your own group that agrees with you so you can feel comfortable (and become ignorant).

        It’s like laying in bed and not going out because the floor is too hard. It is much better to get in interaction with hard floor than rot in bed. (I know that my metaphors are sometimes bad… I hope this one is not :) )

        • @soferman@lemmy.mlOP
          3 years ago

          Yeah, this is a concern we have elaborated on within the group. But it’s more about having a more fruitfull setup. People have complained that articles that otherwise would be a great discussion is bogged down by the whole discussion regarding all mainstream western media being propaganda and that only lies are told.

            • @soferman@lemmy.mlOP
              03 years ago

              Well, these aren’t usually discussions and it taints everything. I feel like you haven’t really taken the time understand the context here or you are missing some social cues

  • @soferman@lemmy.mlOP
    3 years ago

    It is dissapointing to see likely a certain who’s who are downvoting this post, and one who joined the group and downvoted all the posts.

    Can’t like leave the group a lone? :/