Doping leads to disability and death, but may make a better show for spectators.
So like the ancient Romans, he wants poor athletes to permanently maim themselves for his amusement.
Can’t we just get the Hunger Games?
We’re almost there, we haven’t quite gotten to the class disparity between the elites and the workers yet. The working class still thinks they can work their way up to elite status.
My money is still on us hitting The Running Man before $The Hunger Games*, though. All it would take is a high profile “botched” execution during an election year, and a politician with bad enough dementia that they “remember” a good solution to the whole “capital punishment” thing.
poor athletes to permanently maim themselves for his amusement.
i think thats called college football
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This guy is the true Bond villain who we need to be paying more attention to. Just see Palantir.
Fuck Peter Thiel, all my homies hate Peter Thiel.
Good homies!
Its cool an avatar of evil is allowed to operate and own as much of society as he does. Its even cooler that he owns the apparatus that gives him this mouth piece to infkuence others.
This was literally an SNL skit, but reality reached parity with parody a good while ago.
Also a joke made by roughly 75% of all comedians that ever lived from Robin Williams to Alan Davies of QI fame.
Futurama also had a line about how steroid use used to be mandatory in Blernsball.
So just the regular Olympics then?
But with PEDs that are known to be relatively safe, instead of RC stuff that was developed last tuesday in a chinese lab to beat the doping tests.
edit:fixed year
That’s clearly 4:3 resolution. Not to mention the hair on Dennis Miller. That’s at least 30 years ago…
But 1990 was about a decade ago.
Always will be.
10??? More like 30 my friend.
Oh good, the Olympics meets WRC Group B. Lots of dead athletes but it’d be entertaining at least
I mean all the good athletes are already doping, but the more untested a substance is, the better it is for avoiding anti-doping, but it’s going to have completely unknown side effects. Without doping testing the athletes can atleast use stuff with known safety profile.
To be fair, Group B gave us some of the sexiest cars ever created. My all time dream car is the 037 with that Martini livery. I’d even settle for a kit.
This proposed competition and its monster participants will definitely not feature such pretty sights (or sounds) as, say, a Group B Quattro flying down a dirt road… Growling… turbo hissing 🤤
I’d still watch it of course.
I see this kinda like any% speed runs where they use ACE and crazy crazy exploits that totally bypass the point of the game. Or maybe its more like a TAS, or “pure hackmons” in Pokémon talk.
Anyways, I find the concept interesting, so long as people don’t get hurt significantly more than they do with “regular” sport. To see how far the human body can go, including all the tech and science possible.
I could legit for see a future where the Paralympics are “more impressive” (whatever that means) due to incredibly powerful prosthetics.
Ethically speaking, idk anything, I’m just a dude on the internet.
Perhaps to avoid people getting hurt significantly we could regulate and ban dangerous things.
Or promise to put him in jail if anyone dies now and see if he carries on.
I mean if we’re going to have fully doped out athletes. We should at least throw in one normal dude as a control.
Gay fascist who made Musk and Zuckerberg mega billionaires despite their best efforts.
The shadiness of the leaders aside, I’ve always thought that, with how prevalent PEDs are in competitive sports despite all the restrictions, it would be interesting to see how far humans can go if all restrictions are lifted
Without any limitations, poor athletes may permanently disable themselves or shorten their lives by taking dangerous substances in the interest of immediate fame/recognition/earnings. Is that ethical? I don’t know.
Bro, I’ve been in the infantry and worked in construction.
Poor people are already fucking our bodies up to make a living.
This plan would at least pay better…
They aren’t already fucking their bodies up with ridiculous training regimens since early childhood?
Two wrongs don’t make a right.
No, but allowing one wrong and not the other is silly.
No it’s not, it halves the number of wrongs.
Naw, the people want blood. I wish I could authentically add /s
that guy has a full set of custom made Nazi SS uniforms, straight from Hugo Boss, that he prances around in at home
Do you just get that vibe from him or what