Went to school with the writer/director, so it’s fun for me picking out all the landmarks I recognize. But it’s also a commentary on the play on words of the title. And who doesn’t love a gory zombie movie?
Went to school with the writer/director, so it’s fun for me picking out all the landmarks I recognize. But it’s also a commentary on the play on words of the title. And who doesn’t love a gory zombie movie?
Direct link to the music in question…
Obligatory: what the actual fuck is that music?
No, really, he had received countless offers of marriage. Mostly from young gay men. OK, exclusively from young gay men, but it still counts.
Yes, but I want auto fill turned on for some websites because they go straight to the section that I want instead of navigating through the site every time.
…and so that typing in a url doesn’t automatically auto fill with a site you’d rather not let anyone else see.
I’m disappointed that there wasn’t a single full “Shut the fuck up, Donny.”
I forcefully blew air out of my nose.
Cashiers aren’t much better. They’ve given me free water and free cat food on several occasions. I like to think that they want to stick it to the company as much as everyone else.
And yet the cat still has a human working for them.
False. Tractor beams would make pocket pussies even better.
Personally…I embraced my curly hair and started learning how to take care of it.
It started with the No-shampoo movement. The thing about most shampoos, especially dandruff shampoos, is that that are very harsh. “The tingling tells you it’s working” is bullshit. That’s your skin drying out from the chemicals. And the more you use it, the more dandruff you have when you stop and the more you need to use it. It’s a vicious cycle. Then you have to use a conditioner just to try to put moisture back into your scalp, but silicones can’t hydrate like natural oils that your scalp produces can. The biggest confusion is not washing my hair for a few days, and ending up with dandruff and greasy hair.
After not shampooing for about 3 months and then only using shampoo once every 2 weeks, I found that my dandruff almost disappeared. Almost…because I was still using harsh shampoos that would strip all the moisture from my head and dry out my scalp. My hair would be oily for a few days and then return to normal after a few showers. That’s when I decided to grow out my hair and learn to take care of the curls. I discovered that most shampoo are harsh because of the sulfates, parabens, phthalates, alcohols, and other chemicals designed specifically to strip your hair of oils. Switching to sulfate free shampoos stopped that cycle immediately. Learning about conditioners and other hair products brought out curls that practically every woman I meet would kill to have for themselves. And I haven’t had dandruff or itchy dry scalp ever since, even on the coldest and driest days in the winter.
Treat your beard the same way. The skin underneath still needs the oils it produces to stay healthy. Use the same sulfate free shampoo to wash your beard and allow your skin to heal and rehydrate naturally.
When the whispering winds of shit are blowing, a man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do.
It’s cute that you think the GDPR actually protects you and companies don’t keep your data rather than simply preventing you from seeing it, just like Reddit tried to do poorly.
This is the Canadian Reform Alliance Party all over again…
They don’t need a warning. They know he’ll go through with it. They want him to go through with it. “Oh that’s just talk” is gaslighting designed to convince you to not do anything about it until it’s too late. This is a warning to everyone else…get out there and VOTE! Don’t let the Conservative party lead us down the path of austerity and cuts like they do every time they are in power.
No, and we all know it, but it’s still going to haunt him for the rest of his life.
Oh come on…640kb is more than enough for everyone…
Admit it…if your legs could do that, you’d stand up like that every single time. Just because you could. Just like every time General Grievous climbs into a shuttle and does that flip.
I never disputed it. I said I don’t care. They can pronounce it however they want. In regular conversation with people around me, I’ll call it whatever I want.
This is a very factual article. I’m not sure where the satire is.