Multiply those prices by 2 to account for buying power back then.
Console is “only $300” but games are $100 at minimum.
Multiply those prices by 2 to account for buying power back then.
Console is “only $300” but games are $100 at minimum.
Hello, Starfleet Medical? I’d like to schedule my annual transporter based cellular rejuvenation.
I particularly liked the way ENT spaced out its story arcs as a series of episodes which can stand alone but hit on a recurring conflict across multiple seasons, season 3 as the glaring exception.
Removed by mod
If you all work harder we’ll be able to fire you and increase my bonus!
Lower Decks is great but best saved for last so you get all the references they drop.
Security for who exactly?
If I don’t even want an account, it’s the “security” of the sites ad targeting data that IDGAF.
Isn’t “thought provoking“ is kinda the whole point of sci-fi?
All 3 series have plenty of those, as well as their share of dud episodes. DS9 leans heavier into stories of war/colonialism. VOY is more about survival in desperate circumstances.
Do you prefer story arcs or bottle episodes?
Optimistic or dark stories?
To a Japanese speaker it looks quirky.
To an English speaker it looks deranged.
It’s shitty user experience when forced to dig out my phone to authenticate myself to a site I barely give half a shit about.
Like I wouldn’t even have an account if it wasn’t forced, and now you assholes want my phone too?
The universe is not the carcass of the big bang, just as a tree is not the carcass of a seed.
Line must go up
Why are Israelis “hostages” while Palestinians are “prisoners”?
Actually a good profile if he’s trying to find someone with a similar sense of absurdist humor.
I think the plan was once they discovered the clocks were off, Data would BS that it must have been from the wormhole.
Auth codes expiring is nothing new.
They’re just using a QR code to deliver it. The QR code will still be readable, but points to an expired authorization.
Drag is a troll, and when you lie down with dogs you get fleas.