Same words, but bottled water.
Marketing and distribution costs money.
Same words, but bottled water.
Marketing and distribution costs money.
Lemmy hosts are business use.
Lemmy users are personal use.
What if you want to listen to something you didn’t have the foresight to pirate locally first?
Music streaming is very convenient, even easier than piracy.
Matchmaker is an ancient profession.
Why are you trying to copy their style?
Lemmy should be less like the bad site.
We should celebrate content, not users’ egos.
The thin blue line flag was developed as a reaction to Black Lives Matter.
Basically people asked the police to stop murdering minorities and the reply was that people should be grateful for the police for murderously guarding white privilege.
Why fly a fascist flag?
One step at a time.
Thanks, that’s really really low. More than 1000x lower than C.Sativa. 1kg of plant leaves yields 4mg of CBD if my math is right.
While my wife and I slept in, my daughter got up early to play video games so the dog laid down next to her and started whining until she gave him breakfast.
When I got up he was curled up with his nose tucked under feet. I draped the blanket over him but he got up to follow me to the kitchen.
I’m going to drink some coffee in the backyard in a few and he’ll follow me out there to bark at squirrels.
Local dog park is closed for winter but I’ll probably take him to the bigger one around lunch time.
Locally this means an apartment that doesn’t pay their fair share of property taxes because they’re a nonprofit. They are a nonprofit because they pay their CEOs a huge salary.
As best I can tell this just moves the rent extraction from an ordinary business to one with lots of political connections.
Are you as outraged by distinction between 1st and 2nd degree murder?
I get the feeling you just want to be mad at me for pointing out the law is more complex than your outrage.
Sure, but what is an “apartheid regime”?
I mean I know what it is, but can you cite reliable sources to meet Wikipedia’s standard under this sort of scrutiny? Sounds difficult.
No thanks, you’re starting this debate, you can learn the legal definitions. Pick your state, look up the statute.
Many felonies have degrees of severity but it sounds like you’re just trying to argue.
And murder is murder, but it’s fortunate the law can see gradations in severity of crimes depending on the circumstances.
I just ate some very nice stuffing I made with stale cubes of not so nice bread.