Just wondering…

  • Whirlgirl9@kbin.social
    1 year ago

    This reminds me of a movie from the early 90s called Crazy People. An ad exec has a nervous breakdown and ends up in an institution. He accidentally sends off truthful ads that he and the other patients write, they get produced, and they are very successful. It was a pretty funny movie. Some examples of the campaigns

    “Metamucil: It helps you go to the toilet. If you don’t use it, you’ll get cancer and die.”

    “You may think phone service stinks since deregulation, but don’t mess with us, because we’re all you’ve got. In fact, if we fold, you’ll have no damn phones. AT&T - we’re tired of taking your crap!”

    “Paramount Pictures presents ‘The Freak.’ This movie won’t just scare you, it will fuck you up for life.”

    “Porsche. It’s a little too small to get laid IN, but you get laid the minute you get out!”

    “Volvos, Yes they are boxy, but they’re safe”.

    • KoboldCoterie@kbin.social
      1 year ago

      I had completely forgotten about this movie until you mentioned it!

      I recall there also being a Sony ad that focused on Japanese stereotypes and how they were shorter and therefore their eyes were closer to the chips they were building, and that made them better than western manufacturers, with some clips of westerners completely failing at their jobs; that one actually made me laugh out loud.

      Edit: Found the clip - Sony - Because Caucasians are just too damn tall.

  • CoderKat@kbin.social
    1 year ago

    Nestle: doesn’t your tap water taste better in our plastic, anyway?

    Nintendo: you’re gonna buy our game at full price on our console and you’re gonna like it.

    Niantic: thanks for your data, now give us $5 for this 2 cents worth of content.

  • AttackBunny@kbin.social
    1 year ago

    Nissan- yeah, our cars are cheap-ish, and we finance ANYONE, but that’s so we can butt-fuck you on parts when our cars inevitably break, repeatedly.