Sounds silly of course, and it is silly. But I thought it would be interesting to think it through. And with multiple minds.

How do you go about “turning off the internet” for a particular country? Because this is being attributed to Trump, I’m presuming that “turn off the internet” could mean a number of things.

Mess with DNS? Disable infrastructure? Buy out telecom?

Let’s say we’re committed to this task, how do we go about it? Let’s hear the crazy ideas

    1 year ago

    From a technical POV you can’t. The US is too well connected with many subsea cables to Europe, South America, and Asia.

    In addition because the providers and cables are owned and operated by private companies the government would have a very hard time convincing telcos to do that.

    Hell even internally you can’t with every major city having 2 or 3 places where providers can connect with Google, Amazon, Facebook, Cloudflare, Akamai. Not to mention all the private peering locations.

    From a political POV, make legislation that says registered telcos must turn off telecommunications equipment connected to non US locations or black hole non us traffic when entering the country when requested by a government.