Thousands of purveyors of neo-Nazi tunes just had their day ruined by a crew of enterprising Scandinavian anti-fascists.

    10 months ago

    Come back after you type “Finnish metal” into youtube search bar, find a pretty good melodic powermetal song. It’s stuck in your head for days, so you download an entire album. You start to hum along as you listen, but it’s not enough. You find the lyrics in a language you never have spoken before, so you learn it phonetically. You share your discovery with friends and family. It’s fun AND educational! But that’s not enough, you often wonder what it all means, so one day as you listen, you open a new tab, type in “Terasbetoni - Orjatar, translated lyrics” to find…


    Slave woman

    Hard was the work in the midst of woods, Wearing the axe and play on the shoulders, heart burning with desire, Yearning will make you go through the snow, Knowledge of what shall become keeps you strong!

    Slave woman! Obey my quest, Know your place! Slave woman! Work my will, And you shall be rewarded! Divinely rewarded!

    There shall be battles in the fields of death. On stake is the life in disastrous times! Man with an ardor shall get what he deserves, So please and serve, or he shall punish you!

    Slave woman! Obey my quest, Know your place! Slave woman! Work my will, And you shall be rewarded! Divinely rewarded!

    Slave woman! Come to me, And work your magic! Slave woman! Heed my words, For that is your law!

    Slave woman! Obey my quest, Know your place! Slave woman! Work my will, And you shall be rewarded! Divinely rewarded!

      10 months ago

      Individually? Possible, totally. In aggregate? It’s not a secret that Japan has an uncomfortably large fascist subculture. Putting 2 and 2 together as an aggregate makes sense.

      Of course, I wouldn’t go up and assume a random Japanese person listening to fascist northern European metal is necessarily a fascist, but if they also had the rising sun flag of Imperial Japan on their car, or hanging in their room? Absolutely.

    • damnyouclouds
      10 months ago

      Now, this band were a parody of 80’s Manowar. They are as far from nazis as you can go…

      • SpiderShoeCult
        10 months ago

        Manowar had that one song titled ‘Pleasure slave’, if memory serves. No idea if it was a serious song or not. Those were some weird times for music.