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“We are going to do something that I will say is slightly controversial but it shouldn’t be. We are going to indemnify policemen and precincts and states and cities from being sued. We want them to do their job. Our police and law enforcement has to come back and they want to come back and they want to do their job. And we are going to indemnify them so they don’t lose their wife, their family, their pension, and their job. We are going to indemnify policemen and law enforcement. We are going to tell them to get out, we love you, do your job.” – Trump, speaking last night at the New York Young Republicans Club gala.
Trump going after the tyrant vote.
Motherfucker wants a police state, but one he and his buddies are totally not accountable in, fuck this geriatric wannabe dictator.
Of all the 60+ million people who intend to vote for him next year, this ridiculous rhwtoric will dissuade exactly none of them.
Meanwhile the left needs to be cajoled and won over and made to feel special just to get them to the fucking polling station.
BuT BiDeN nEeDs To EaRn My VoTe!
If we manage to avoid a fascist takeover, it will be in spite of the naive progressive idealogues who think they have the privilege to vote their conscience.
It’s the political reality that you need the votes of people to your left who you hate. Get to it.
I’m already voting for Biden. You’ll scream at me anyway because you don’t want to treat voters you need as though you need their votes.
I don’t hate them. I said certain ones are naive (aggravatingly so, to clarify further). Too many people talk and act as if they can choose this time and keep that ability to choose next time.
If you have the sense to see what you stand to lose in this dumb FPTP system, then we are in the same boat. I understand the desire to have your elected leaders actually do something progressive, or doing something that makes you truly proud of them.
But as someone said, voting is a chess move, not a love letter.
in the time that I’ve been voting… the US has only slid right. The democrats have done exceedingly little to halt that.
Rear guard delaying actions, to use the military parlance, do not win wars. Biden is moderate only in consideration that the GOP are so much further to the right as to actively embrace fascism. We cannot keep acting as we always have and expect something to magically fix itself. So now is the time to start changing how we vote and the people we send to be voted for.
it’s really that simple.
It’s not. We are four years too late. We need to prevent a fascist takeover, then try to make progress.
That is what they said last time, too. Complete with a promise of “one term”
Why should anyone believe you (and Biden) this time?
What alternative do you have? What viable plan can you enact to change the likely outcome and still avoid fascism?
And the time before that, and the time before that…… it’s literally what they say every four years.
They can’t do anything as the minority, and as the majority they need 60 Senate votes to do anything more meaningful than budget reconciliation. Our country is designed to make change difficult, as the Senate filibuster proves. We would need 50 Senate votes to change that, and Democrats fell barely short in 2020. The most change they’ve been able to do is with Obamacare when they had a 60 seat majority for 2 months. Those 2 months are the only time in recent history Democrats have had a commanding majority, but even then they were still beholden to centrists like Lieberman to maintain the 60 count.
There’s a vicious cycle in American politics. Democrats will win the majority when Republicans massively fuck up. They’ll pass legislation that can’t be more progressive unless we have more senators. Voters will be unhappy the legislation isn’t better, staying home and leading Republicans to win. Republicans see their extremism as vindicated and are emboldened. We’ve seen this happen twice already. First with the Tea Party in 2010, second with Trumpism in 2016. When Republicans win, they drive us right.
Both parties are shaped more by their wins than their losses. Romney in '12 and Trump in '16 show this really well. If we want to push the party and the country to left, we have no choice but to continue voting.
And won’t do what they campaigned on as the majority.
Democrats will always fall barely short. They will always stand in their own way. There are always enough manchins.
So goes the excuse, yes. No matter how great the majority, centrists always find enough no votes.
This is such a bullshit take it kind of pisses me off. Let me explain.
First, the only reason democrats have as much trouble in federal elections is all the freaking time is because they do Jack shit to support local campaigns. Which, leads to republicans gerrymandering the fuck out of districts.
Also, leads to a dire lack of new and up-coming canidates to source from… leading to the same lackluster “always been around” canidates that are unappealing.
But democrats, as a voting block, are not actually minorities. But they struggle getting the vote out precisely because a) there’s little support for local campaigns and b) the federal canidates are… rather underwhelming.
There’s exceptions who’ve managed to get there in spite of the DNC/national leadership.
But they’d never get the presidential nomination because actual progressives scare the fuck out of their corpo overlords.
Be fair. They support centrists when they have progressive primary challengers.
I appreciate your response nonetheless and that you were civil towards me even if you disliked my opinion. Genuinely, thank you for that.
I do think you touch on some good points about local candidates and support. I think things are better now, but I do distinctly recall that it was lacking for a good part of 2008 - Present.
When it comes to federal candidates, I honestly think it’s a mix – yes, the candidates could stand to be better and a lot more appealing. I don’t think it’s a mistake that the more charismatic and friendly Democrat candidates have done well. I think too though that voter responsibility is a consideration. Even if the candidates are less than stellar, it’s important to go vote, because the less stellar Democrat is still better than the best Republican. I think the best way to look at it is that both ends need to be responsible – there need to be candidates that are genuine and spirited in some regard. And blue voters need to vote for them even if there’s room for improvement.
There’s never going to be a perfect candidate – but that doesn’t mean we can’t have a good candidate. I didn’t quite appreciate that second part until what you said. I don’t think it changes my view about voting for Biden, but it does help me understand the consternation about it more. I can see what you mean by being tired of all the voting, just for things to be where they are. It can be a two pronged effort to both inspire voters with a good candidate and encourage voters to show up. I think the idea of a shared responsibility makes the whole nomination process and campaigning feel more like a partnership with the voter, which it should feel like.
I don’t know about a progressive candidate never getting the nomination either – I don’t think any barriers they could put up would stop a really good candidate. Their strength is overstated, I think. Maybe I’m just refusing to accept a pessimistic reality, but if we don’t fight like we have a chance, we aren’t going to have a chance. Corpo overlords are only invulnerable if we think they are.
This is a tangent, but I saw it happen before, when I worked for a petrochemical company. Consumer goods manufacturers were pledging to stop using single use plastics because customers were demanding them to be more sustainable. It would’ve been devastating to my company’s revenue if that happened, so corporate started looking at how to reliably recycle plastics and reuse them all the way on the chemical feedstock level. Collective bargaining is incredibly powerful.
Don’t lie to me. I know how you’ve responded to me in the past when I didn’t include that I was voting for Biden in my comment.
I very much doubt that.
And the move expected of the progressives you hate is always “forfeit.”
You said it. Not me. Lol
I know what centrists expect from progressives.
Are the centrists here in the room, now?
And you need the votes of people to your right who you hate. That’s the political reality of it. It’s a two way street, and both progressives and moderates see it as a one way.
I get to see that a lot because I have the same goals and desires of progressives (which is why I consider myself one), but I think we should achieve them with plans grounded in reality that are based on systems and practices we already know work. That aligns more with how the moderates do things. In short, I just want to reach the outcome in the best way possible, without any unpleasant surprises.
I expect something snarky in response to that, but I hope I’m wrong. Because as much as you may dislike me I’m the vote, directly to your right, that you need. Do you believe your words to apply fairly to everyone, or just the groups you dislike?
Edit: And just to be clear, I really see no reason for us to be adversarial. I want the same goals as you at the end of the day, and given you’re voting for Biden, I think our thoughts on the methods aren’t all that different either.
look, you can say what you want about progressives. Just know, I think you believe you have the privilege of dictating who I vote for… which is not democracy, and you can go fuck off with trump (who, believe it or not, shares that belief.)
You want people to vote for your candidate? you should maybe not piss them off first. Besides which, right now, it’s the primary and not even about Biden vs Trump. for the DNC, it’s a question of which candidate is the best.
Interestingly enough, the DNC is actively subverting the primary elections in every state they can. They don’t want primary elections because they know how incredibly unpopular Biden is, and yet they insist he is the only one who can beat Trump. I disagree emphatically - Biden is the only one who can lose to him, and we are hurtling towards that terrible outcome due to corrupt establishment politics.
Well, I wouldn’t say Biden is the only one who can loose… There’s others right up there with him in that. but those ones are all basically the same, so I don’t know that it makes all that much in difference.
I wouldn’t be surprised to find they’ve always meddled and outright cheated in primaries to keep progressives out.
Yeah I suspect there is a long and storied history of this happening. If there’s one thing all the corporate shills in DC can agree on, it’s that progressives represent a threat to their very way of life. Imagine, politicians who would fight for regular people, instead of corporate interests. O, the humanity…
Get better messaging, then. Screaming at them ain’t gonna work.
Scream at me for pointing it out. It beats trying to get votes.
(I’m voting for Biden. “Not Trump” has convinced me. It won’t convince all the voters you’ll need to win, and you’d rather lose than stop punching left.)
It seems like it convinced enough last time around.
In concert with campaign promises that haven’t borne fruit, mainly due to Democrats getting in their own way. Now we’re down to just “not Trump”. I think relying on that message alone is doomed to fail. If you don’t think we need better messaging or even additional messaging, fine.
But don’t blame people to whom you are hostile when they don’t enthusiastically vote like you want.
Imagine being upset that your candidate has to actually have good policy proposals that voters support in order to get votes.
I mean, I feel like most people are pretty upset about it. I’m pretty upset I have to vote for Biden in order to vote against Trump, but I’m still gonna do it.
This is the “only Democrats have agency” thing, yes? To blame them for failing while ignoring all the Republicans who actively oppose progress.
I don’t expect Republicans to vote with Democrats. I don’t expect Democrats to vote with Republicans. Just enough Democrats do anyway.
It’s easy, the Right are fanatics doing fanatic things, the Left haven’t had something to be “fanatical” about since Obama, Biden has done a great job for the most part, obviously with some disappointment here and there, no presidency is perfect, but Old man Biden just doesn’t excite people, and it’s only Trump keeping him running, if Don the Con would go to prison and stop running we’d be able to hopefully elect somebody under 60, and most of those Republican candidates are just as scary as Trump, and bless Chris Christie and Liz Chaney for finally committing political suicide by fighting against the fascism in their party, especially after enabling it for so long.
And only when it was no longer going to benefit them.
Both sides actually are bad, just not in the way we assume.
And Biden is now training that police state with proposed cop cities all across the country.
There is precisely one “Cop City.” In Atlanta. And it is not a federal training facility, it’s being run by the Atlanta Police Foundation, so I’m not sure why you think Biden has anything to do with it.
I am very doubtful that the Atlanta Police Foundation even has a lot of Biden voters in its ranks.
Site Jan Biden expanded federal funding for police has helped find these ventures. Pigs don’t need to support Biden to take government money
Your evidence of cop cities being built all over the country is a proposal to build one? And it’s Biden’s fault because he gives police money but doesn’t in any way tell them how to spend it?
None of that makes any sense.
When the entire country is calling for defund the police, this motherfucker seriously expands federal funding to police, but what else would you expect from someone that authored the crime bill and has incarcerated millions of black men? Selected a cop for a vice president, and has always been authoritarian
The furthest left sliver of the Democratic party can sometimes agree on defunding police based on a definition of that that most other people don’t even know. Nothing you said bears any relation to reality.
And yet, black voters strongly supported him in the primary and election. Why do you think that is?
Like Democrats love to say about Republicans, voting against their own self interests
It’s interesting isn’t it? Say Republicans are voting against their self interest, and everyone will agree. Say black voters are doing the same, and it becomes a whole lot more controversial.
Probably because the racial history behind it, but I appreciate your candor. And of course I don’t think you’re being racist, you’re seeing this as an economic thing vs a race thing, unless I’m mistaken.
Anyway, it does make you think. I’m not a fan of telling people I know better than them, yet I have no problem saying that about Republicans. It’s food for thought, and a self analysis I’ve been working on for a while. I’m glad that you brought it up.
There are very clearly some things we know Republican voters are wrong about – LGBT rights, climate change, race and sex, etc. And we know Republican politicians are playing them like a fiddle. But do we know better than them? Or are we not seeing what they’re seeing? Are we missing something, like perhaps misjudging their priorities and views? Either we’re all intellectually superior to all of them, or there’s an understanding we lack. Maybe if we gained that, we could actually sway them politically.
And I know we probably disagree if it is in their self interest or against it, but I figured a river of my thoughts would end up being more productive for us both.