seems pictures from my Pixel 7 Pro don’t show correctly on the post header (only works in the body)

this image was run through signal to get some compression and meta data removed - so should work now as well

  • @Tiuku
    11 year ago

    I can testify that the cat looks alright

    • @naeapOP
      1 year ago

      thanks! :⁠-⁠)

      it seems that the file size is the issue. I’m having a new Pixel 7 Pro. posting those pictures directly, they won’t show in the post header, but just in the body or comments - if inserted there.

      I tried now with scrambled exif data and with a downloaded larger picture. and it seems, that the file size is the culprit. either there is a limit somewhere or a timeout gets triggered… I can’t really tell…

      edit: nope, large picture just took more time and shows correctly. must be something with the Pixel 7 Pro

      • @Tiuku
        11 year ago

        Good troubleshooting 👍🏻

        • @naeapOP
          11 year ago

          thanks :⁠-⁠)

          but not really sure what the Pixel is doing. will try to (manually) completely clean all the exif/meta data.