• dinomug
    122 years ago

    It’s the most lobotomized society in the world. As a Cuban soldier (close to Fidel) once told us:

    It is a country with all kinds of technological development, comparable to other first world nations, but take away the high technology, especially weapons and you will notice that its social and political system is only comparable to those of third world nations.

    The elites apply the most brutal chauvinism on their own population, to justify all kinds of crimes within their borders and in the world.

  • art
    112 years ago

    I live in the US. Half this country is completely delusional. The other half feels that doing anything to improve the situation is socialism™ or communism™. So we better not improve anything.

  • @Nyaa@lemmy.ml
    2 years ago

    We are taught that from school and in our families. People like my father think that America is number one, and that all other countries have no freedom and that everyone is trying to escape to the US. It’s just (attempted) to be passed down to the children.

    We learn barely anything about other countries history in school except for the bad. A lot of our history taught, while accurate (hopefully), leaves out a lot to understand other countries and commonly portrays us to be the “good guy”.

  • @Eighei2e@lemmy.ml
    102 years ago

    There are only a couple hundred countries, and only one can be “the greatest”. You’ll get different answers based on which metric you pick, but clearly the right metric is “quality of US-style BBQ restaurants”. And that’s why the United States is the greatest country in the world.

    • art
      42 years ago

      I actually heard the South Korea’s got a pretty good one. 🤣

    • GadgeteerZA
      12 years ago

      Very true, and to judge, one would therefore also need to have a fairly good overview perspective and context of all those countries…

    • @DPUGT2@lemmy.ml
      -12 years ago

      You’ll get different answers based on which metric you pick, but clearly the right metric is “quality of US-style BBQ restaurants”.

      If only it were true. I suspect that while we’d still win, that would be a narrow victory over the koreans or possibly the south americans. Argentina and Chile both apparently have a really strong bbq culture.

      No, the true contest would be for deep-fried novelty foods. There, it’s just down to us and Scotland, and they’re not even their own country yet.

    • @PP44@lemmy.ml
      32 years ago

      I 100% agree with you, and I think education, heavily so when you are young, but during your whole life, is a really strong part of your personal construction. I am really horrified by how much patriotism is a strong part of how america raise its citizen…

    • Benjamin
      52 years ago

      It’s a disgusting mindset but it’s not entirely their fault considering their educational system.

        • Sr Estegosaurio
          12 years ago

          And I can bet that to some extent is responsible for people thinking that (literally any country aside of the USA) is a “communist™” non free regime.

  • seahorse
    32 years ago

    Because some people in the US don’t even leave their county, let alone their state, and therefore never experience any culture outside their own.

  • @HelixNebula@lemmy.ml
    32 years ago

    It obviously isn’t the greatest for standard of living. But it certainly is in soft and hard power towards the world (closely followed by china). Honestly though, as a german, I would much rather be controlled and spied on by the United States than China.

    • @gigamo@lemmy.ml
      -12 years ago

      You do you, but I don’t think the two are even remotely comparable. I’d much rather live in a country run by marxist principles than one serving capital interests. The rise of China and simultaneous decline of US hegemony is one of the main sources of hope for a better future for humanity in these times, imo.

      • @beansniffer@lemmy.ml
        12 years ago

        Isn’t China practically state capitalism and not very marxist nowadays after the days of Deng Xiaoping, or did I just fall for the propaganda memes? (no downvotes please, just a legit question)

          • @beansniffer@lemmy.ml
            2 years ago

            …but it kinda doesn’t tho? Also dropping a 7000+ word article without context of my question doesn’t really mean anything. Its a trend I’ve noticed a lot with communists: asks simple question, drops a really wordy article that doesn’t answer the question. That article has an estimated reading time of over 26 minutes. Aint nobody got time for that.

            • @gigamo@lemmy.ml
              02 years ago

              You’re asking a genuine question, I’m providing you with an elaborate answer, and yes, it does answer the question. I could have also summarized the situation and said: “yes, China is still building socialism guided by Marxist-Leninist principles, using state capitalism as a tool with which to boost their productive forces in order to eventually reach ‘real’ socialism”, but then all you’d have is my word without any explanation or substance. The fact that you deem it “too long” isn’t my problem :)

      • @HelixNebula@lemmy.ml
        02 years ago

        In my opinion it is very unrealistic that “real” communism will ever work, because of how humans are and behave. Unfortunately I think capitalism is currently the only answer if you desire a high standard of living.

        • Halce
          12 years ago

          If communism didn’t work on its own, capitalist countries wouldn’t need to constantly sanction and strangle those societies, whose goal is implementing it.

          If it was a failure, they’d just let it fail on its own. But they never do that.

          The only reason the American capitalists fight it so hard, because its success exposes their failure at home.

          • @HelixNebula@lemmy.ml
            12 years ago

            I don’t want to start a debate here and you are free to believe whatever you want. I am not saying I am right, this is - as stated - just my personal belief and opinion. Maybe you are right, but you should be careful to not be indoctrinated into a certain mindset. Try to keep an open mind at all times and don’t give in to confirmation bias, while creating an echo chamber around you. It is always important to hear people thinking differently than you.

  • @gun@lemmy.ml
    32 years ago

    I don’t think there’s too many that do anymore. The sense that I have is that everyone feels a sense of pessimism and decline. Hell, the whole MAGA movement, make America great again, is based on the sentiment that America is not what it used to be, and it won in 2016, against “America is already great,” the slogan of elite liberals. And things have gotten more pessimistic since with COVID, inflation, political violence. There are some people who believe in anything but I can’t say I know anyone who could say America is the best in the world without a tinge of self doubt. Personally, I see myself as a pessimist in the short term, optimist in the long term.

  • Gritty
    32 years ago

    Years of internet social media has disabused many of that idea, whether orchestrated by an outside entity, or simply via intermingling with other peoples. The backlash is the rampant nationalism that is sure to take over next go around.

  • mekhosM
    32 years ago

    Yep, Winning a competition of 1 participants.

    I get that the states are big and have a lot of their own drama, but I gotta say it comes accros as fairly up-ones-self for adults to be so ignorant of the rest of the world.

    • Sr Estegosaurio
      22 years ago

      I really love when I heard someone saying that Mexico and Spain are the same, or something around those lines.

      • mekhosM
        2 years ago

        Fair enough, they do pretty much border each other /s