This article is about Ukraine designating Hamas as a terrorist organization, which is a political action, and needs to be contextualized in the larger politics of their current relationships and needs vs the world political stage.
War needs trump everything else - if Satan himself was providing artillery ammunition served on sewage rail cars, they would smile and happily tell everyone that Heaven is over rated.
I misspoke. I wasn’t responding to the article. I was referencing only the war in the Middle East. The invasion of Ukraine by Putin seems clear. Russia has been trying to commit genocide in Ukraine for a while now. Long before Putin. I do not fault anyone for defending their home.
This article is about Ukraine designating Hamas as a terrorist organization, which is a political action, and needs to be contextualized in the larger politics of their current relationships and needs vs the world political stage.
War needs trump everything else - if Satan himself was providing artillery ammunition served on sewage rail cars, they would smile and happily tell everyone that Heaven is over rated.
I misspoke. I wasn’t responding to the article. I was referencing only the war in the Middle East. The invasion of Ukraine by Putin seems clear. Russia has been trying to commit genocide in Ukraine for a while now. Long before Putin. I do not fault anyone for defending their home.