Larry. he runs the local comic shop and has been running every competitor out of business for forty years.
his business strategy? sit on the couch and chill.
he has an ungodly amount of stories, knows people from every walk of life and a great memory and the charisma to tell those stories that he experienced or was just told about.
Where can I find Larry?
in his shop, on the couch.
I don’t want to dox him (did I use that right?) but if you’re ever in West Texas, send me a message.
Will do!
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Really our normalization of drinking needs to be re-examined.
I remember thinking all the anti smoking stuff wouldn’t change anything. I was wrong. We really can change.
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for me it was my realization that some of my drinking was a mental illness (I was never an alcoholic but I was self medicating with alcohol)
I feel so much better now I have one or two beers every few weeks
That’s amazing. I once had a patient who was 93 and very angry to be admitted to hospital because he still had a part time janitorial job he didn’t want to miss. The Dutch are very long lived. Your lady must have been Dutch.
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I used to work with this old guy named Mel in my early twenties at a graveyard job in a cold storage warehouse doing freight handling. He would bike to work 20 km down a dark highway to get to our shift at 1 am, he owned a car just preferred to bike, which I respect. This guy was in his 70s, consumed nothing but a cheese sandwich for lunch, coffee, and smoked heavily. Despite this he was in seemingly great shape and was fastest, hardest worker in the whole place. At Christmas time we would unload 20 lbs boxes of mandarin oranges from 53 foot trailers packed top to bottom, front to back onto pallets, this guy would go faster by himself than two people. He always said it’s just about the technique and how you position your body.
I knew him in my early twenties before going back to school and he was the only person at that job with a brain so we talked a lot about space and technology and all that. I moved away for school so it’s been like 13 years since I last saw him so I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s dead given his age and how much he smoked but I always wondered what happened to him and if he’s still kicking around. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if this guy made it to 100.
I read his feat of unloading the truck and I was like “yeah, I mean, that’s not too crazy”, then I realized you didn’t mention him using a forklift.
Yeah, no, to save space they didn’t come on pallets, we would have to load them onto pallets and get them off the truck. Not sure who had the worse job, me or the Chinese guy on the other end losing the truck.
He does sound very interesting!
I met a scientist researching rust and the rust process. It was a little over my head but if you find new tools being sold that don’t rust, I’m sure it will be her doing.
Rust actually sounds like a very interesting topic if you think about it a bit.
Fun fact, did you know that you are rusting, right now? Breathing is rusting, specifically it’s oxidisation of iron in your blood. It’s how your blood carries oxygen around your body.
I did not! But I definitely feel rusty come to think of it.
I know how you feel.
Does that mean that if we took something rusty and put it in an environment without oxygen it would start to release oxygen from the rust?
There’s another factor involved to convince the iron to let go of the oxygen, so if we mimicked that as well, then yes. It’s just chemical reactions.
I thought it was just (or mostly) partial pressure of O2 when it comes to hemoglobin? It’s been about 15 years since I was in school so I might remember wrong.
“Carbon dioxide increases hydrogen ion concentration and lowers tissue pH. As a consequence, hemoglobin’s affinity for oxygen decreases and oxygen release to tissues is facilitated.”
No one, and I get it. Get interest if you are interesting or minimally valid. If you don’t have a job, a family and your interests is just stay here… well, you’re fucked, I am and now I can only accept it
I find you interesting
Thank you, on the internet i have always been successful, maybe because here you must not prove anything
„because here you must not prove anything“
Do you have a source for that?
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Not at all.
Unless they’re famous, I don’t see why that wouldn’t count.
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Most of my friends are kind of interesting and unique. I don’t really hang out with people who are NPCs or boring. What would I have to talk about with them?
A more thought provoking question for me would be which boring people I know. Some stereotypical ‘beer, BBQ and cars’ guys come to mind. I couldn’t live my life only doing work and those boring-ass hobbies. They’re not even real cooks or car mechanics, they just like to grill cheap meat drenched in marinade and own an expensive car and talk about it!
Totally agree that is boring.