I’m trying to remember what language it is, it might be German or Japanese, which has a word which translates “a face badly in need of a fist.” That’s this guy.
It’s okay, we’re aware it’s hard. :-/ The compound words aren’t even the worst part, actually—articles are the real killers. Those, and the fact that the grammatically correct word order changes depending on what kind of idea you’re trying to get across. Ugh.
On the other hand, English is its own can of worms. If I hadn’t learned English as my first foreign language, I’d have pulled my hair out, mostly because of the spelling.
English is a difficult language. It can be understood through tough thorough thought, though.
I’m trying to remember what language it is, it might be German or Japanese, which has a word which translates “a face badly in need of a fist.” That’s this guy.
German, Backpfeifengesicht. I also like “Fresse wie’n Lexikon: Aufschlagen, zuschlagen, nachschlagen.”
And that’s why I will never learn German…
It’s okay, we’re aware it’s hard. :-/ The compound words aren’t even the worst part, actually—articles are the real killers. Those, and the fact that the grammatically correct word order changes depending on what kind of idea you’re trying to get across. Ugh.
On the other hand, English is its own can of worms. If I hadn’t learned English as my first foreign language, I’d have pulled my hair out, mostly because of the spelling.