Meme transcription: A table comparing the steps to start a game ‘then’ vs. ‘now’.
Content of the “Then” column:
- Double-click GAME.exe
- Play game
Content of the “Now” column:
- Launch Steam
Steam updates
Steam opens
- Close Steam’s ad window
- Select Game
Game launcher starts
Game launcher launches Game launcher updater
- Yes
- Yes
- Yes
- Ok
Would you like to sign up for our newsletter?
- No
Our EULAs have changed. Please review them before continuing
- Scroll
- Scroll
- Scroll
- Scroll
- Yes
- Yes
- Yes, sell my soul
- Start game
- Skip vendor intro
- Skip vendor intro #2
- Skip vendor intro #3
- Sit through nVidia The way it’s meant to be played
- Skip opening cutscene
Main menu opens
Would you like to connect your Steam account to account?
- No
- Press play.
- Play game.
I know what you mean, but who are this “double click” and “exe” guys?
on tape.Judging from your username, you must have had very old hardware when you were young.
Or … 99 has a more uncommon meaning for me 🤓
(in reality the hardware in question was brand new hottest stuff when I was young)
And when it’s loaded: ‘> You are standing at a crossroads, there are ways to the North, East, West and South. There is a Dwarf. The Dwarf throws an axe at you, the axe misses ‘>_
‘>Grab the axe
Commodore 64?
Yes indeed. It would also work (at least similarly) for the VIC-20 and other Commodore computers 🧑🏫
Datasette was so fricking slow…
Thanks for fastloader
Ok, gramps it’s tile for your nap.